Transitioning from E2K3 to E2K7
E2K7 SP2 / W2K8 SP2
Co-existence Multi-domain
We have not been able to go E2K7 Native because of old applications which are in the process of being ported to new systems.
All mailboxes have been migrated to E2K7 servers however because of our shared domain environment, the default email address policy being used is still E2K3.
MS has told us not to go to the change our Default email address policy until we are ready to go Native and remove the last E2K3 server.
I have removed a number of E2K3 servers but they
were not E2K3 bridgehead servers and did not have Routing Group Connectors for the E2K3 org.
I have a couple of E2K3 Bridgehead servers where no mail is flowing through; no public folders replicas; no mailboxes; first server in site but all functionality
has been moved and I want to deinstall E2K3 and remove from Exchange Org.
These E2K3 bridgehead servers have Routing Group Connectors which handled the mail flow for E2K3 and interim Routing Group Connectors for E2K3 to E2K7 bidirectional mail flow.
I have a check list on how to transition from E2K3 to E2K7 and understand how to remove the RGC’s, etc. However, I have questions about
moving the RUS to E2K7.
Since I am still using the E2K3 default email address policy, can I move the RUS for this domain to E2K7 server within the same domain?
If I cannot do that, so I can remove this server, can I just move the RUS to another E2K3 server which is NOT in the same domain?
October 4th, 2011 12:24pm
Exchange server 2007 does not use the system attendent component of RUS. it uses RUS API when you provision a mailbox. RUS API will stap all attributes when you enable/create a mailbox
try enable-mailbox with -verbose .. you will see all attributes will be stamped there and then
In short. you would not need to do anything with your RUS. you can just go ahead and uninstall the server
Here is a good blog
Thank you
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October 4th, 2011 1:39pm