Transport Service Keeps Stopping
In the end I opened a support ticket with Microsoft as I simply couldn't afford to delay on this. They gave me a call back about 1.5 hours after I made the initial call. (4am!)
He also identified the 2 TM transport agents as the culprit. Whereas I wasn't able to remove them, he was.
Just in case anyone ever suffers this problem I will show you the commands he ran to remove them.
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-TransportAgent
Identity Enabled Priority
-------- ------- --------
ScanMail SMTP Receive Agent True 1
ScanMail Routing Agent True 2
Connection Filtering Agent True 3
Content Filter Agent True 4
Sender Id Agent True 5
Sender Filter Agent True 6
Recipient Filter Agent True 7
Protocol Analysis Agent True 8
Transport Rule Agent True 9
Journaling Agent True 10
AD RMS Prelicensing Agent False 11
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Uninstall-TransportAgent
cmdlet Uninstall-TransportAgent at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
Identity: ScanMail SMTP Receive Agent
Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Uninstalling Transport agent "ScanMail SMTP Receive Agent". A service restart
is required for the change to take effect.
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help
(default is "Y"):y
WARNING: The following service restart is required for the change(s) to take
effect : MSExchangeTransport
And same again for the 2nd TM agent.
October 26th, 2012 8:55am
I've read a few threads with regards to this error but none of them seem to help.
SBS2008, Exchange 2007.
The transport service keeps stopping preventing all mailflow.
What's changed?
I recently formatted the D: drive on my SBS server. I (wrongly) assumed it was just data on the D: drive so I backed that up, formatted and restored. However, I since found out that our Trend Micro WFB anti-virus was installed on the D: drive, not the C:
So, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with this. Event ID 16023 and Event ID 1052 are present in the Event log.
I have tried rebooting, re-mounting the database and renaming the "Data" folder under C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles to "Data.old" as suggested in another thread.
I have also tried running "ReinstallDefaultTransportAgents.ps1" script in the EMS to no avail.
My whole company has no emails at the moment so any help would be most appreciated.
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October 26th, 2012 8:13pm
From the Exchange Management Shell I ran Get-TransportAgent and it listed various Agents.
I could see 2 that were related to Trend Micro: "ScanMail SMTP Receive Agent" and "ScanMail Routing Agent".
I attempted to remove them by running "Uninstall-TransportAgent "ScanMail SMTP Receive Agent" but I got the attached error message.
October 26th, 2012 10:10pm
For Event Id 16023 and Event Id 1052, this can be caused by many reasons, some third party applications running on the Exchange Server, or wrong operating on the Exchange Server.
I suggest you run Exbpa to do a check on your Exchange server, this can help us know more detail for the issue.
If this issue only occur after you formatting Trend Micro WFB anti-virus, I suggest you go to remove it from control panel, then reinstall it to have a try.
EvanEvan Liu
TechNet Community Support
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October 27th, 2012 2:55am