Trouble Monitoring Exchange box SMTP Queue
Hello, I am using a managed services app and have a problem monitoring 1 customers SMTP queue on their Exchange box.
On customers where this monitoring works, it's because the MSP app finds the SMTP service name which is "STMP 1"
This value is displayed in a wbemtest Instances window of Win32_SMTP etc etc.
On the customer where it's not monitoring there are zero values in the Instances window of Win32_SMTP etc etc yet Exchange is running apparently fine and SMTP is working.
Here is an image showing no values where there should be 2 values including "SMTP 1" as the smtp service name:
Here is an image showing what it should look like:
Is there a problem with my Exchange installation? Or WMI on the machine?
I'm a newb so please if you respond, be thorough and precise.
September 5th, 2008 11:25pm
Sorry, It's hard for me to repo your operations about WMI query instance from the screenshots, would you please let me know how to do this and whats your aim to do it.
If you want to monitor SMTP virtual server performance or counter incoming/outbound message at Server level, I suggest you use Performance monitor(run perfmon).
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September 11th, 2008 9:15am