Trouble adding user as a calendar delegate (E2007)
I'm trying add a user as a resource delegate on a resource calendar. First, I get the current list of resource delegates using the following command: Get-MailboxCalendarSettings confRoom | fl Then I copy the list of delegates and append the user. The command looks like this: Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -Identity "company.local/ou/ou/ou/confRoom" -ResourceDelegates "company.local/ou/ou/ou/user1", "company.local/ou/ou/ou/user2", "company.local/ou/ou/ou/user3", "company.local/ou/ou/ou/user4", "company.local/ou/ou/ou/user5", "company.local/ou/ou/ou/newUser" I get the following error: WARNING: An unexpected error has occurred and debug information is being generated: Default Scope and Search Root cannot be set at the same time. Set-MailboxCalendarSettings : Default Scope and Search Root cannot be set at the same time. If I take the new user off the end, the command works. I verified that all the users are in the same OU. What gives? Thanks
July 5th, 2012 1:41pm

Hi, Do you get the same error if you first run $AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest = $true ?Martina Miskovic
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July 5th, 2012 2:26pm

Hi Please try above command first, becasue I found a thread that having the same error, and it is solved by Martina's suggetion. EMS to grant calendar delegation Exchange 2007 CheersZi Feng TechNet Community Support
July 6th, 2012 5:31am

You rock! I totally forgot about that thread. I knew this had been resolved before, but couldn't remember how. Thanks.
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July 6th, 2012 2:37pm

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