Trouble posting
I'm having trouble posting. It seems to accept the post but it doesn't show up on the forumn. What am I doing wrong?
if this post will even get posted.
I put in the subject then the information. then click post.
February 23rd, 2008 8:36pm
There is also a delete button where you can delete your own thread. For more information, please read the faq here.
Code Snippet
How do I delete my posts?
To delete one of your posts, go to the thread's page and click the Delete button next to right of the post. Note that if the post has one or more replies, or if the post was made over 24 hours ago, you will no longer be able to delete the post. If you still need to delete your entry, submit a post to the forum for the moderator to delete.
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February 24th, 2008 4:32am