Trying to get the FROM address of an email with EWS and VB.Net

This is some sample code that gets the items from the inbox, checks for attachments and then saves them. I was attempting to use this code to add some of the email items information to a database table. The Body and Subject were readily available from the messages array but I don't see From address here. So it seems I'm not asking for enough information.

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        Dim mid As ItemIdType
        Using exchangeServer As New ExchangeServiceBinding()

            ' This portion uses the credentials you provided and 
            ' initiates the connection to the Web Service
            Dim creds As ICredentials = New NetworkCredential(strUsername, strPassword)
            exchangeServer.Credentials = creds
            exchangeServer.Url = strExchAsmx

            ' Since this is not a folder search we opt for Shallow Traversal Type
            Dim findItemRequest As New FindItemType()
            findItemRequest.Traversal = ItemQueryTraversalType.Shallow

            ' The BaseShape property Gets or Sets the requested 
            ' properties to return in a response
            Dim itemProperties As New ItemResponseShapeType()
            itemProperties.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties

            ' Here the item shape property is set, Go To definition on 
            ' FindItemType for more info
            findItemRequest.ItemShape = itemProperties

            ' Setup a folder array and define the folder Name and then set the parent 
            ' folder ID Field with it to filter the search to just the inbox. 
            Dim folderIDArray As DistinguishedFolderIdType() = New DistinguishedFolderIdType(0) {}
            folderIDArray(0) = New DistinguishedFolderIdType()
            folderIDArray(0).Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.inbox
            findItemRequest.ParentFolderIds = folderIDArray

            ' This block initiates the reading of the messages, 
            ' Declares variables for the folder and items in that folder
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = New RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(AddressOf CertificateValidationCallBack)
            Dim findItemResponse As FindItemResponseType = exchangeServer.FindItem(findItemRequest)
            Dim folder As FindItemResponseMessageType = _
            DirectCast(findItemResponse.ResponseMessages.Items(0), FindItemResponseMessageType)
            Dim folderContents As New ArrayOfRealItemsType()
            folderContents = DirectCast(folder.RootFolder.Item, ArrayOfRealItemsType)
            Dim items As ItemType() = folderContents.Items

            ' if there are no items in the folder (Inbox) then exit
            If items Is Nothing OrElse items.Count() <= 0 Then
                MsgBox("No Items Found!")
                Exit Sub
            End If

            ' Get the encoded ids of each item
            Dim itemIds As BaseItemIdType() = New BaseItemIdType(items.Count() - 1) {}
            For i As Integer = 0 To items.Count() - 1
                itemIds(i) = items(i).ItemId

            ' GetItemType is a class that represents a 
            ' request to get items from a mailbox
            Dim getItemType As New GetItemType()

            ' GetItemType variable here is defining the 
            ' items to get in that request
            getItemType.ItemIds = itemIds
            getItemType.ItemShape = New ItemResponseShapeType()
            getItemType.ItemShape.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties
            getItemType.ItemShape.BodyType = BodyTypeResponseType.Text
            getItemType.ItemShape.BodyTypeSpecified = True

            ' This is the response from the exchange server with a number of messages 
            ' that fit the parameters of the request
            Dim getItemResponse As GetItemResponseType = exchangeServer.GetItem(getItemType)
            Dim messages As ItemType() = New ItemType(getItemResponse.ResponseMessages.Items.Count() - 1) {}
            Dim f As Integer = 0
            Dim j As Integer = 0
            Dim h As Integer = 0
            Dim strbody, strsubject As String
            Dim blattachments As Boolean
            ' Here we loop through each message in that response and 
            ' if we find an attachment we extract it
            For j = 0 To messages.Count() - 1

                'Here inside the loop we set the messages itemtype to 
                ' a single message in the exchange response
                messages(j) = DirectCast(getItemResponse.ResponseMessages.Items(j), ItemInfoResponseMessageType).Items.Items(0)

                strbody = (messages(j).Body.Value).ToString
                blattachments = messages(j).HasAttachments
                mid = messages(j).ItemId
                strsubject = messages(j).Subject.ToString

                ' We evaluate the message to see if it has attachments, 
                ' we have no else portion so on to the next message
                If (messages(j).HasAttachments = True) Then
                    f = f + 1

                    ' In this block we see what is attached and get the resulting 
                    ' attachment id so that we can extract it
                    Dim request As New GetAttachmentType()
                    Dim responseShape As New AttachmentResponseShapeType()
                    responseShape.BodyType = BodyTypeResponseType.Text
                    responseShape.BodyTypeSpecified = True
                    request.AttachmentShape = responseShape
                    Dim ids As RequestAttachmentIdType() = New RequestAttachmentIdType(0) {}
                    ids(0) = New RequestAttachmentIdType()
                    ids(0).Id = Convert.ToString(messages(j).Attachments(0).AttachmentId.Id)
                    request.AttachmentIds = ids

                        ' Here we request the attachment from the exchange server
                        Dim response As GetAttachmentResponseType = exchangeServer.GetAttachment(request)
                        Dim rmta As ResponseMessageType() = response.ResponseMessages.Items

                        ' For each attachment in the request per attachment ID within the single message
                        ' we will get the attachment type and process each accordingly
                        For Each responseMessage As ResponseMessageType In rmta
                            Dim airmt As AttachmentInfoResponseMessageType = TryCast(responseMessage, AttachmentInfoResponseMessageType)

                            Dim attachments As AttachmentType() = airmt.Attachments
                            For Each attachment As AttachmentType In attachments

                                ' Based on what the file type is it will be process or converted differently
                                ' This portion does that.  I have used this with word documents and images.
                                If TypeOf attachment Is FileAttachmentType Then
                                    Dim TheFileAttachment As FileAttachmentType = DirectCast(attachment, FileAttachmentType)
                                    Using File2Disk As Stream = New FileStream(strAttachPath & "\" & messages(j).Attachments(0).Name, FileMode.Create)
                                        File2Disk.Write(TheFileAttachment.Content, 0, TheFileAttachment.Content.Length)
                                    End Using
                                    Dim TheItemAttachment As ItemType = DirectCast(attachment, ItemAttachmentType).Item
                                    Dim ContentBytes() As Byte = Convert.FromBase64String(TheItemAttachment.MimeContent.Value)
                                    Using Item2Disk As Stream = New FileStream(strAttachPath & "\" & messages(j).Attachments(0).Name + ".eml", FileMode.Create)
                                        Item2Disk.Write(ContentBytes, 0, ContentBytes.Length)
                                    End Using
                                End If
                                h = h + 1
                    Catch x As Exception
                    End Try

                End If
                '******************************************************Move Code**************************************************************************************
                ' Try
                Dim itemID As New ItemIdType
                itemID.Id = mid.Id

                'Find the folderId to which we want to move item
                Dim parentFolder As New DistinguishedFolderIdType
                parentFolder.Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.root
                Dim tfTargetFolder As New FolderIdType
                'Change the name of the folder we are searching for FolderID
                tfTargetFolder = FindFolder(exchangeServer, parentFolder, "Test")

                Dim newItemID As New ItemIdType
                'Move am Item based on ItemId and FolderID
                newItemID = MoveItemtoTest(exchangeServer, itemID.Id, tfTargetFolder)

                '**************************************Create database entry******************************************************************
                Dim strtrackingnumber
                Dim strConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\Russ\office\TEXT\SALES\After Market\After Market Database\amarket.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;"
                Dim cmdupdate As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
                Dim DBConnection As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(strConn)
                Dim strSQL, strSQL1, strSQL2 As String
                strtrackingnumber = Now.Month.ToString & Now.Day.ToString & Now.Year.ToString & Now.Hour.ToString & Now.Minute.ToString & Now.Second.ToString
                strSQL1 = "Insert Into [tblAMSQRequest] ([tracking_number],[dtcreated],[request],[ynattachments],[subject])"
                strSQL2 = "Values ('" & strtrackingnumber & "', #" & Now & "#, '" & strbody & "'," & blattachments & ", '" & strsubject & "')"
                strSQL = strSQL1 & " " & strSQL2
                Dim cmd As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(strSQL, DBConnection)
        End Using
    End Sub

July 25th, 2014 8:05am

This is my 1st attempt to use EWS and it's been going very well but I can't seem to get the FROM address of an email message. I have the list of messages and I can get the body and subject but I don't see the from address anywhere. I'm assuming I 'm missing something simple. Any guidance in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
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July 25th, 2014 11:37am

What does the code your trying to use look like ? EWS will only return the properties you ask it to return so it really depends what your code looks like


July 26th, 2014 12:05am

As long as you are enumerating Email Messages then you just need to cast the to the MessageType class and you should be able to use the From or Sender properties eg

                strbody = (messages(j).Body.Value).ToString
                blattachments = messages(j).HasAttachments
                mid = messages(j).ItemId
                strsubject = messages(j).Subject.ToString
                Dim FromAddress As String = ""
                If (messages(j).GetType() Is GetType(MessageType)) Then
                    Dim EmailObj As MessageType = DirectCast(messages(j), MessageType)
                    FromAddress = EmailObj.From().Item.EmailAddress
                End If

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July 28th, 2014 12:40am

As long as you are enumerating Email Messages then you just need to cast the to the MessageType class and you should be able to use the From or Sender properties eg

                strbody = (messages(j).Body.Value).ToString
                blattachments = messages(j).HasAttachments
                mid = messages(j).ItemId
                strsubject = messages(j).Subject.ToString
                Dim FromAddress As String = ""
                If (messages(j).GetType() Is GetType(MessageType)) Then
                    Dim EmailObj As MessageType = DirectCast(messages(j), MessageType)
                    FromAddress = EmailObj.From().Item.EmailAddress
                End If

  • Marked as answer by SHIROCZ 22 hours 4 minutes ago
July 28th, 2014 7:26am

Thank You

That was exactly what I was looking for.

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August 1st, 2014 9:05am

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