Tuning Exchange 2013 HealthSet Monitors (example: MailboxTransport -> Mapi.Submit.Monitor)

Hello everyone,


I was hoping some of you could help me out a bit with the new monitors in Exchange 2013.


Especially after updating to CU6 we are getting a lot of warnings from SCOM with different HealthSets that show as unhealthy. These are usually OK again when we log on to the server and run Get-ServerHealth or Get-HealthReport. The most common healthset is Compliance, but also get warnings from MailboxTransport and ActiveSync.


If we do manage to log on before the healthset returns to healthy again, like in the example below, we can drill down a bit. We are however very unsure about what to do with this information. Perhaps we should change the threshold, but how do we find out exactly what this monitor is reporting on? We know it has something to do with Mapi Submit, and that the threshold is 8, but not much more than that?

Get-ServerHealth SERVER | where {($_.healthsetname -eq "mailboxtransport") -and ($_.alertvalue -eq "unhealthy")} | ft name,alertvalue -auto

Name                AlertValue
----                ----------
Mapi.Submit.Monitor  Unhealthy

(Get-WinEvent -LogName Microsoft-Exchange-ActiveMonitoring/MonitorDefinition | % {[XML]$_.toXml()}).event.userData.eventXml | ?{$_.Name -like "Mapi.Submit.Monitor"}

auto-ns2                           : http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events
xmlns                              : myNs
Id                                 : 266
AssemblyPath                       : D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin\Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.ActiveMonitoringLocal.dll
TypeName                           : Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.ActiveMonitoring.OverallXFailuresMonitor
Name                               : Mapi.Submit.Monitor
WorkItemVersion                    : [null]
ServiceName                        : MailboxTransport
DeploymentId                       : 0
ExecutionLocation                  : [null]
CreatedTime                        : 2014-11-20T08:51:03.5576888Z
Enabled                            : 1
TargetPartition                    : [null]
TargetGroup                        : [null]
TargetResource                     : MailboxTransport
TargetExtension                    : [null]
TargetVersion                      : [null]
RecurrenceIntervalSeconds          : 0
TimeoutSeconds                     : 30
StartTime                          : 2014-11-20T08:51:03.5576888Z
UpdateTime                         : 2014-11-20T08:42:58.9416436Z
MaxRetryAttempts                   : 0
ExtensionAttributes                : [null]
SampleMask                         : Mapi.Submit.Probe
MonitoringIntervalSeconds          : 3600
MinimumErrorCount                  : 0
MonitoringThreshold                : 8
SecondaryMonitoringThreshold       : 0
MonitoringSamplesThreshold         : 100
ServicePriority                    : 2
ServiceSeverity                    : 0
IsHaImpacting                      : 0
CreatedById                        : 57
InsufficientSamplesIntervalSeconds : 28800
StateAttribute1Mask                : [null]
FailureCategoryMask                : 0
ComponentName                      : ServiceComponents/MailboxTransport/High
StateTransitionsXml                : <StateTransitions>
                                       <Transition ToState="Unrecoverable" TimeoutInSeconds="0" />
AllowCorrelationToMonitor          : 0
ScenarioDescription                : [null]
SourceScope                        : [null]
TargetScopes                       : [null]
HaScope                            : Server
Version                            : 65536

We have an Exchange 2007 server coexisting in the environment, but it is not in use and will be decommissioned.

                         ServerRole    Edition AdminDisplayVersion
                         ----------    ------- -------------------
Mailbox, ClientAccess, HubTransport   Standard Version 8.3 (Build 83.6)
              Mailbox, ClientAccess Enterprise Version 15.0 (Build 995.29)
              Mailbox, ClientAccess Enterprise Version 15.0 (Build 995.29)

November 20th, 2014 2:37pm


Based on your description, HealthSet goes unhealthy intermediately.

Please check the Monitoring log under ManagedAvailability in Event Viewer to see if there is any related error message.

Best regards,

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November 24th, 2014 5:30am

Thanks Belinda.

We had a look in the log you mentioned, and found some events that appear to be related.

Mailbox Transport Submission - the verification that the probe messages were successfully submitted within 5 minutes to HUB has failed. 
      This could indicate that the mailbox submissions are taking too long or not progressing at all.
      SequenceNumber: 635515592255510017
      Error: MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
      FailureContext: MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
      ExecutionContext: MapiSubmitLAMProbe started. This performs - 1. Submits a new message to Store 2. Checks results from previous Send Mail operation. Sequence # = 635515592255510017. First Run? = False. Previous mail submission to store was successful. Results -  # of previous results: 0.  Could Not Find stages that ran.  Previous SendMail failure -  Mail submitted to Store during the previous run never reached SendAsCheck. 
                        This may indicate a latency from Store to Submission Service. Investigating.  Found lower SA latency. Indicates an issue in Submission service. 
                            Investigate. In SendMail -  NotificationID=00000044-0000-0000-0000-0000659c9601 Sending mail. SendMail finished. MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure. 
      CheckPreviousRunMail exception details: 
      Current SendMail exception details: 
      MailWasSentInLastRun (0(no)/1(yes)): 1
      CheckMailSuccess(0(no)/1(yes)): 0
      SendMailSuccess(0(no)/1(yes)/2(no-noMDBs)/3(no-noActiveMDBs)/4(no-ignorableException)): 1
      PreviousMailLatencies: <5807e0221f804ae88102496e6cfda8f6@SERVER001.DOMAIN.locale>,,2014-11-20T08:37:58.817Z;LSRV=SERVER001.DOMAIN.locale:TOTAL=0.811|SA=0.343|MTSSDMO=0.426|MTSSDPL=0.002|MTSSDSS=0.008|MTSSDS=0.031|MTSS=0.466;;<b7129330b0014d56a536f45b08ee8c13@SERVER001.DOMAIN.locale>,,2014-11-20T08:32:58.772Z;LSRV=SERVER001.DOMAIN.locale:TOTAL=0.702|SA=0.203|MTSSDMO=0.451|MTSSDPL=0.003|MTSSDSS=0.007|MTSSDS=0.047|MTSS=0.500;;<10aeba95842f442f958960697d794a67@SERVER001.DOMAIN.locale>,,2014-11-20T08:27:58.664Z;LSRV=SERVER001.DOMAIN.locale:TOTAL=1.170|SA=0.530|MTSSDMO=0.548|MTSSDPL=0.002|MTSSDSS=0.035|MTSSDS=0.078|MTSS=0.647;;
      (The following are applicable if the mail was actually sent)
      MailSentAt: 20.11.2014 08:42:58
      TimeInSendingToStore: 62,3989
      Sent Mail Result Details:
        ItemEntryId:0 0 0 0 2E 57 BD C1 1C 4B 5C 47 9E 54 6E B8 B2 C5 75 38 7 0 FA 78 3 5 D1 D4 6 48 B2 FF B 4 D7 25 55 92 0 0 0 0 1 B 0 0 FA 78 3 5 D1 D4 6 48 B2 FF B 4 D7 25 55 92 0 0 18 1A CD F1 0 0 )
        Properties of Sending mail 
        Body and MessageClass:MessageClass:IPM.Note.MapiSubmitLAMProbe;MessageBody:This is a Probe Mapi message that's Submitted from Store to Mailbox transport Submission service to Hub transport service;
        DoNotDeliver, DropMessageInHub and DeleteAfterSent:DoNotDeliver:True;DropMessageInHub:True;DeleteAfterSubmit:True;)
Probe Exception: 'System.ApplicationException: MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
   at Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Transport.Probes.MapiSubmitLAMProbe.PerformProbeFinalAction(Boolean potentialForAlertBasedOnPreviousRun, Boolean potentialForAlertBasedOnCurrentRun, Exception previousRunVerificationException, Exception currentRunException, DateTime timeMessageSentToStore)
   at Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Transport.Probes.MapiSubmitLAMProbe.DoWorkInternal(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Transport.Probes.MapiSubmitLAMProbe.DoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFramework.WorkItem.Execute(CancellationToken joinedToken)
   at Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFramework.WorkItem.<>c__DisplayClass2.<StartExecuting>b__0()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()'
Probe Result Name: 'Mapi.Submit.Probe'
Probe Result Type: 'Failed'
Monitor Total Value: '0'
Monitor Total Sample Count: '12'
Monitor Total Failed Count: '12'
Monitor Poisoned Count: '0'
Monitor First Alert Observed Time: '16.11.2014 21:40:10'

November 25th, 2014 12:12pm


I searched based on your error message, it is a known issue. This event can be ignored and is a cosmetic issue in Exchange 2013, if you are not seeing any transport issues in the productive environment.

As a workaround, you can disable this monitor.

Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards,

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November 26th, 2014 2:36am

We recently upgraded to CU9 and started to see these alerts.

My question is: if it is a "known" issue and "cosmetic" why is it there in the first place?

There seems to be a lot of these "issues" in Exchange 2013 and the answer seems to be the same - disable the monitor.

Doesn't seem right to me.

July 21st, 2015 1:03am


Do you have M$ documentation about this "known issue", we do not have any transport issues but since we updated to CU8 I have been having the "unhealthy" message when running get-healthreport and I cannot simply ignore it (it's a mailboxtransport probe !)

So if you could share where you find that information that would be great !



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July 23rd, 2015 10:17am

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