Two Exchange 2007 one domain
hi there,
Our organisation is dividing into two, so we need install a second exchange server on the same domain and seperate users according to organisations.. how can i go abt doing this..
os: windows 2003
exchange 2007
outlook 2003
1. I understand installing exchange 2007 on new server it will find the settings from other exchange server.
2. Do i need install all the roles in the second server
3. how can i set the routing from old exchange to new exchange - i would prefer server1 doing all the routing
4. outlook 2003 how can I set up so if users doesnt exists in server1 it automatically looks in server2.
5. how can i share the public folder from server1 to users in server2..
thank you
December 6th, 2010 9:14am
Hi Ameyuk,
Firstly - Exchange is installed into a domain as an "organisation". That means settings that are not server-specific, like address lists, accepted domains, policies, mail-enabled users and distribution groups don't rely on a particular server (to
a certain extent).
If the organisations are splitting in two it may be worth finding out what the end result you are looking to achieve is. Are you looking to seperate these users from one another, or is this simply so that each organisation "owns" the physical hardware
their mail runs on?
To answer your questions:
1) See above - it doesn't get the first servers settings, but integrates into the overall Exchange organisation.
2) You don't need to install all the roles in the second server if you just want to have to mailboxes on the second server, assuming they are in the same site. The CAS and Hub Transport roles will "know about" the second server automatically. There
are of course many reasons to have multiple CAS and HT roles available.
3) By default, unless you change your DNS/firewall/send connector/receive connector settings, the first server will continue to send and receive inbound mail. It will automatically know where the second server is.
4) When you move a mailbox from the first server to the second server, the next time (giving AD time to replicate) that Outlook connects it will know to access the second server.
5) You may wish to setup public folder replication between the first and second servers - but to simply share a public folder with a user on the second server is no different to how you do it at the moment. You're sharing it with a user in AD, not a user
on a server.
SteveSteve Goodman
Check out my Blog for more Exchange info or find me on
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December 6th, 2010 9:34am
hi steve,
thank you so much - am more clearer now
we looking to seperate the users from one another (there is a possiblity we might end up two domain names - but not for another two years).
so just to confirm
1. any outgoing emails from server 2 - automatically routes to server 1and to outside world and viseversa
2. and users on server 2 can access the GAL as normal
3. so no setup is required for users on server 2 to access public folder as they under same organisation.
4. the outlook will automatically look in server 2 if users doesnt exists in server 1 even tho the local email profile is set to look in server1
At the moment the server 1 has only two storage groups one for mailboxes and other for public folder, so on the new server can i create multiple storage group for user mailboxes?, i.e. alphabetically A-E, F-J etc... this comes in handy when restoring emails..
once again thank you steve
December 6th, 2010 10:17am
Yes to all those questions. When you've created the Storage Groups and Mailbox databases on the second server, you will be able to go into the Mailbox Database properties and choose the Public Folder Database. You'd just set it to the one on the first server.
And to answer your additional question, yes you can create multiple storage groups and mailbox databases (within the limits of your licenses).
SteveSteve Goodman
Check out my Blog for more Exchange info or find me on
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December 6th, 2010 10:34am
thank you steve
December 7th, 2010 4:14am
Hi steve,
everything worked out great..
but any mailbox on the second exchange server it took a while before the emails got delievered, so installed hub transport role on the sencond server , since then if i send to any email to external or internal recepients the emails doesnt get delievered..
its not in the outbox, i couldnt find it on message tracking, its not in the message queue actually dont know the email goes..
do i need add any settting on the old exchange server ? would really appreciate any help or suggestions
thank you
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January 26th, 2011 10:00am