I'm having an issue with a large and a bit complex file on Word 365 (600 pages long, embedded linked charts, multiple images with different text wrap settings): the typing lag got so bad I couldn't properly work on my document, and the repagination of the
file took more than a full minute when going straight to the end of the document. I also encountered a problem when trying to save that same file, but i don't know if that was related.
After several sessions with Microsoft Help Desk, here's where I am:
-Not a hardware issue (memtest ok, motherboard and CPU are brand new, SSD doing ok, everything running at normal temperatures, no crashes)
- Virus scans came up empty : Adwcleaner, Malwarebyte and 360 total security
-It's a fresh install of both Windows 8.1 and Office 365
- all addons except for one (Zotero) are disabled, especially OneNote
- default printer changed from send to OneNote to XPS
- hardware acceleration disabled
- Cleartype disabled (no effect, so i ran the setup to turn it back on)
- I try to set up word so the file includes the fonts, links, uncompressed images.
The only two very temporary fixes I found (after a couple days of getting mad at Word) are 1)work in anything but print view (not possible for me as i need to work on images along with the text) 2)make a copy of the file and get a proper response time from Word.
I'm guessing it has something to do with three things i know nothing about : RAM or CPU management (i disabled search indexing as it was rather heavy at times), the way word handles the print view, how word handles the layers in the document.
Any ideas or advice will be most welcome.