Hi There,
I am using Outlook 2010. Tried to configure Outlook Anywhere using non SSL connection. Never connects with server. But i am able to use OWA in http
Pls suggest a solution
Technology Tips and News
Hi There,
I am using Outlook 2010. Tried to configure Outlook Anywhere using non SSL connection. Never connects with server. But i am able to use OWA in http
Pls suggest a solution
Hi Anantha,
What version of Exchange are you using?
Does this issue happen with other users?
Please check if the following KB article applies to your question:
Outlook Anywhere clients cannot connect to an Exchange server after you install Exchange Server 2010 SP3
Since this issue is more related to the Exchange server side, I'd recommend we post a new question in the Exchange forum for further assistance. Make sure you provide more details as I required above in the new post.
The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
Steve Fan
TechNet Community Support
Thanks Steve for your response. I will get back to you with our exchange server version. I will also post this is exchange forum.