Unable to deploy MB Role
Hi, I'm having problem for installing the MB role on solo Exchange server 2007 in coexistence mode with Exchange 2003. During the setup, the CAS and HUB installing phase are fine, but when the setup goes to MB, it goes wrong. The famous message leading to the KB 935636 appears http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/935636/ I have checked the 2 first points for the publics folder and everything is fine and now I'm trying to do the ldap - opath transcritpion with the script given on msexchangeteam.org http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2007/03/12/436983.aspx But when I'm trying to update an emailaddress policy it doesn't work. The transcritpion work I can see the new opath filter generate if I just ask for a display of the result, but when I choose the conversion it says that no server was here to execute the filter. SO I have 2 questions : 1/ Is there a way to find which element is causing the setup stop by upgrading the eventloglevel or something else. I know that it is possible but i just don't remember the elements to set to high 2/ How do I use the transcription script to convers ldap to opath address and email policy elements. Many thanlks for any hints
October 20th, 2009 11:14pm
Juste Add the ExchangeSetup Log error [20/10/2009 12:16:53] [2] Beginning processing. [20/10/2009 12:16:53] [2] The maximum wait for the operation is set to '00:15:00'. [20/10/2009 12:16:53] [2] [WARNING] Service checkpoint has not progressed. Previous checkpoint='0'- Current checkpoint='0'. [20/10/2009 12:16:53] [2] Previous service status query time is '20/10/2009 12:16:53'. [20/10/2009 12:16:53] [2] Current service status query time is '20/10/2009 12:16:53'. [20/10/2009 12:16:53] [2] Will wait '2000' milliseconds for the service 'MSExchangeSA' to reach status 'Running'. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Service 'MSExchangeSA' has successfully reached status 'Running on this server while waiting for status change. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Ending processing. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [1] Executing 'if ($RoleCreatePublicFolderDatabase) { new-publicfolderdatabase -StorageGroup:$RoleFqdnOrName"\Second Storage Group" -Name:$RolePublicFolderDatabaseName -DomainController $RoleDomainController }', handleError = False [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); if ($RoleCreatePublicFolderDatabase) { new-publicfolderdatabase -StorageGroup:$RoleFqdnOrName"\Second Storage Group" -Name:$RolePublicFolderDatabaseName -DomainController $RoleDomainController }'. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Beginning processing. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Les paramtres de la session Active Directory Administrateur sont les suivants : Afficher la fort entire : True , Configuration du contrleur de domaine : srv-mpp-ad7.mpp.groupe , Catalogue global prfr : srv-mpp-ad4.mpp.groupe , Contrleurs de domaine prfrs : { srv-mpp-ad7.mpp.groupe } [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Searching objects "srv-mpp-ex07.mpp.groupe\Second Storage Group" of type "StorageGroup" under the root "$null". [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'srv-mpp-ad7.mpp.groupe'. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Searching objects "SRV-MPP-EX07" of type "Server" under the root "$null". [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'srv-mpp-ad7.mpp.groupe'. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Searching objects of type "PublicFolderDatabase" with filter "$null", scope "SubTree" under the root "SRV-MPP-EX07". [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Searching objects of type "Database" with filter "$null", scope "SubTree" under the root "SRV-MPP-EX07". [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Searching objects of type "Database" with filter "$null", scope "SubTree" under the root "SRV-MPP-EX07\Second Storage Group". [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'srv-mpp-ad7.mpp.groupe'. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Checking the existence of directory "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database.edb" on Server "SRV-MPP-EX07". [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Verifying that the EDB file path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database.edb" on Server "SRV-MPP-EX07" has not been used by other databases. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Checking the existence of file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database.edb" on Server "SRV-MPP-EX07". [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Searching objects of type "PublicFolderDatabase" with filter "(FirstInstance Equal True)", scope "SubTree" under the root "$null". [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'srv-mpp-ad7.mpp.groupe'. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Searching objects of type "PublicFolderTree" with filter "(PublicFolderTreeType Equal Mapi)", scope "SubTree" under the root "$null". [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Previous operation run on domain controller 'srv-mpp-ad7.mpp.groupe'. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Calling Address List Service to stamp some properties related to mail recipient for configurable object "SRV-MPP-EX07\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database" of type "PublicFolderDatabase". [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] [ERROR] Unexpected Error [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] [ERROR] The Exchange server address list service failed to respond. This could be because of an address list or email address policy configuration error. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [2] Ending processing. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution: [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Le service de liste d'adresses du serveur Exchange n'a pas pu rpondre. Cela peut tre d une erreur de configuration de stratgie de liste d'adresses ou d'adresse de messagerie. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.RusServerUnavailableException: Le service de liste d'adresses du serveur Exchange n'a pas pu rpondre. Cela peut tre d une erreur de configuration de stratgie de liste d'adresses ou d'adresse de messagerie. Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.RecipientUpdateService.LocateServer() Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.RecipientUpdateService.Calculate(ADObject recipient, PolicyType[] policies, ADRecipientSession session) Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.NewPublicFolderDatabase.PrepareDataObject() Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.SetTaskBase`1.InternalValidate() [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [1] [ERROR] The Exchange server address list service failed to respond. This could be because of an address list or email address policy configuration error. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [1] Setup is halting task execution because of one or more errors in a critical task. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [1] Finished executing component tasks. [20/10/2009 12:16:55] [1] Ending processing. [20/10/2009 12:19:03] [0] [WARNING] Setup has made changes to operating system settings that require a reboot to take effect. Please reboot this server prior to placing it into production. [20/10/2009 12:19:07] [0] End of Setup
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October 21st, 2009 11:10am
Can you try these articleshttp://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa581012(EXCHG.80).aspxhttp://forums.msexchange.org/m_1800463003/mpage_1/key_/tm.htm#1800463003Raj
October 21st, 2009 11:42am
I Knew it was that, so I just change the LDAP filter to a simpler one only requesting on society field of the user account. And it works...It's cool now thant this pain in may ____ is off I can continue my migration with 2 days late... Thanks for the help Rajnish
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 21st, 2009 4:16pm
Nice to hear that your problem got resolved. CheersRaj
October 21st, 2009 4:37pm