Unable to open your default email folders
Hi,One of the user facing this problem.... need solution asap.While trying to open MS Outlook getting below message with OK prompt. If we click OK its just going closing. No further go to Outlook."Unable to open your default email folders. You must connect to your microsoft Exchange Server computer with the current profile before you can synchronize your folders with your offline folder file."FYI: Using MS Outlook 2003. User able to login well from other system and OWA. Others are able to configure new profile and work fine in his system.Tried by re-configuring Outlook Profile and OS [XP] profile ...stilll no luck.
December 21st, 2009 6:43pm
Exchange Server 2007
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December 21st, 2009 7:08pm
How did you "re-configure" the Outlook profile?
December 21st, 2009 7:11pm
Yes...Tried by re-configuring Outlook Profile and OS [XP] profile as well.
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December 21st, 2009 7:59pm
You said you reconfigured the OS profile. Did you actually blow it away and start over?You might try deleting any .OST files you see in the current OS profile.
December 21st, 2009 8:17pm
Yes...Tried by re-configuring Outlook Profile and OS [XP] profile as well.
Yes, but how? Did you set to online via the Control Panel?Did you recreate with a new name?Did you delete the ost?
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December 21st, 2009 8:42pm
Seems to be specific to that workstation. Have the HTTP proxy settings been messed with?
December 21st, 2009 8:44pm
As a Administrator renamed the User OS profile and and asked user to logon to domain .... so that User's new prifile created.Before that, deleted the Outlook Profile and created new one and tried.Not deleted OST files, will try that.
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December 21st, 2009 11:01pm
Please use the troubleshooting steps in this threadJames Luo TechNet Subscriber Support (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/ms788697.aspx) If you have any feedback on our support, please contact tngfb@microsoft.com
December 23rd, 2009 12:20pm