FIM 2010 is updating my users "thumbnailPhoto" with a 160x203 ~50kb image.
As standard Exchange 2013 cu2 then magically adds the image to the users mailbox if i have understand correctly.
I can see them in:
The problem i have now is that the "96x96" is not updating to a new image when the user gets a new image in thumbnailphoto.
And i can't delete the photo with:
Remove-UserPhoto <email>
Remove-UserPhoto <username>
set-mailbox <username> -removepicture
The user variable is flushed, all image sizes but 96x96 gets removed. (all images are however 160x203 although you specify that you want a different resolution)
Cmdlet suceeded. Cmdlet Remove-UserPhoto, parameters {Identity=<email>}.
Cmdlet suceeded. Cmdlet Set-Mailbox, parameters {RemovePicture=True, Identity=<email>}.
So im stuck with old HR96x96 images on my users, the image that shows in Exchange as standard.
Lync 2013 seems to use another size of the image, so everything works there.
The problem is only occasionally, do not apply to all users
- Edited by Mikael.Hagberg Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11:42 AM Update