Unable to see the Quota system message
Hi All, I have to modify the quota message, Prior to that i wanted to view the message. After excuting this command i am getting the below error message. Please let me know - how shall i go ahead.[PS] C:\Windows\System32>Get-SystemMessage En\WarningMailbox | Format-ListGet-SystemMessage : The operation could not be performed because object 'En\WarningMailbox' could not be found on domain controller 'HMEL-NDA-ADC01.hmel.int'.At line:1 char:18+ Get-SystemMessage <<<< En\WarningMailbox | Format-List[PS] C:\Windows\System32>Regards,Ashwini KumarKnow more about Messaging :-)
January 14th, 2010 3:31pm
Hi,The Cmdlet Get-SystemMessage En\WarningMailbox is for retrieve a customized DSN or quota message by specifying the identity of the message, not the default message.If you want to get the default message, you can use the parameter -OriginalYou can run the cmdlet like this one:Get-SystemMessage -Original | where {$_.identity -eq "en\WarningMailbox"}More information:
Understanding Quota Messageshttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb232173(EXCHG.80).aspx<!---->
Frank Wang
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 15th, 2010 11:05am
Hey Frank, Thanks for your kind response, One more thing which i want is to modify the quota message. How can i do that ? I wanted to have the message like the below."You can archive old emails to your local hard disk and release the space from server mailbox"Regards,Ashwini KumarKnow more about Messaging :-)
January 20th, 2010 4:44pm
You can use cmdlet New-SystemMessage to create new customized quato messages.Customized DSN and quota messages replace the built-in DSN or quota messages included with Exchange Server.New-SystemMessage -QuotaMessageType WarningMailbox -Language En -Text "You can archive old emails to your local hard disk and release the space from server mailbox."After run the cmdlet, you can use Get-SystemMessage En\WarningMailbox to get the customized quota message you create.More information:
Frank Wang
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 21st, 2010 12:13pm