I am trying to upgrade our server from CU6 to CU9 and the setup fails at "Initializing Setup..." with an error "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" : "Value cannot be null"
I have no idea what to do about this error, the setup log and Google are not of any help at all. The Windows Event Viewer does not show anything particular. The Exchange Server seems in good health.
Config: Windows Server 2012 R2, single-server
Here is the setup log:
[08/09/2015 23:49:56.0078] [0] **********************************************
[08/09/2015 23:49:56.0110] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Cumulative Update 9 Setup
[08/09/2015 23:49:56.0110] [0] **********************************************
[08/09/2015 23:49:56.0110] [0] Local time zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
[08/09/2015 23:49:56.0110] [0] Operating system version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0.
[08/09/2015 23:49:56.0110] [0] Setup version: 15.0.1104.5.
[08/09/2015 23:49:56.0125] [0] Logged on user: GESTION\Administrator.
[08/09/2015 23:49:56.0188] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='sourcedir', Value='C:\Temp\CU9'.
[08/09/2015 23:49:56.0188] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='Upgrade'.
[08/09/2015 23:49:56.0203] [0] RuntimeAssembly was started with the following command: '/sourcedir:C:\Temp\CU9 /mode:Upgrade'.
[08/09/2015 23:49:57.0125] [0] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole UnifiedMessagingRole FrontendTransportRole AdminToolsRole CafeRole
[08/09/2015 23:49:57.0500] [0] Finished loading screen CheckForUpdatesPage.
[08/09/2015 23:50:06.0642] [0] Starting file's copying...
[08/09/2015 23:50:06.0658] [0] Setup copy files from 'C:\Temp\CU9\Setup\ServerRoles\Common' to 'C:\windows\Temp\ExchangeSetup'
[08/09/2015 23:50:06.0721] [0] Disk space required: 1861115762 bytes.
[08/09/2015 23:50:06.0721] [0] Disk space available: 54230999040 bytes.
[08/09/2015 23:50:06.0846] [0] Finished loading screen CopyFilesPage.
[08/09/2015 23:51:28.0780] [0] File's copying finished.
[08/09/2015 23:51:28.0983] [0] Finished loading screen InitializingSetupPage.
[08/09/2015 23:51:36.0328] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use
[08/09/2015 23:51:36.0766] [0] The MSExchangeADTopology has a persisted domain controller: HVAC-INF1.hvac-concept.local
[08/09/2015 23:51:39.0922] [0] PrepareAD has either not been run or has not replicated to the domain controller used by Setup. Setup will attempt to use the Schema Master domain controller HVAC-INF1.hvac-concept.local
[08/09/2015 23:51:39.0922] [0] The schema master domain controller is available
[08/09/2015 23:51:39.0922] [0] The schema master domain controller is in the local domain; setup will use HVAC-INF1.hvac-concept.local
[08/09/2015 23:51:39.0938] [0] Setup is choosing a global catalog...
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0032] [0] Setup has chosen the global catalog server HVAC-INF1.hvac-concept.local.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0047] [0] Setup will use the domain controller 'HVAC-INF1.hvac-concept.local'.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0047] [0] Setup will use the global catalog 'HVAC-INF1.hvac-concept.local'.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0063] [0] Exchange configuration container for the organization is 'CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=hvac-concept,DC=local'.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0063] [0] Exchange organization container for the organization is 'CN=HVAC-Concept,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=hvac-concept,DC=local'.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0110] [0] Setup will search for an Exchange Server object for the local machine with name 'HVAC-INF1'.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0501] [0] Exchange Server object found : 'CN=HVAC-INF1,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=HVAC-Concept,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=hvac-concept,DC=local'.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0516] [0] The following roles have been unpacked: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole UnifiedMessagingRole FrontendTransportRole AdminToolsRole CafeRole
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0532] [0] The following datacenter roles are unpacked:
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0532] [0] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole UnifiedMessagingRole FrontendTransportRole AdminToolsRole CafeRole
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0532] [0] The local server has some Exchange files installed.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0563] [0] Server Name=HVAC-INF1
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0641] [0] Setup will use the path 'C:\Temp\CU9' for installing Exchange.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0657] [0] Setup will discover the installed roles from server object 'CN=HVAC-INF1,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=HVAC-Concept,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=hvac-concept,DC=local'.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0657] [0] 'BridgeheadRole' is installed on the server object.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0657] [0] 'ClientAccessRole' is installed on the server object.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0657] [0] 'MailboxRole' is installed on the server object.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0657] [0] 'UnifiedMessagingRole' is installed on the server object.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0657] [0] 'CafeRole' is installed on the server object.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0657] [0] 'FrontendTransportRole' is installed on the server object.
[08/09/2015 23:51:40.0672] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'BuildToBuildUpgrade'.
[08/09/2015 23:51:42.0141] [0] [ERROR] Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
[08/09/2015 23:51:42.0157] [0] [ERROR] Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: input
[08/09/2015 23:52:43.0026] [0] CurrentResult setupbase.maincore:396: 1
[08/09/2015 23:52:43.0041] [0] End of Setup
[08/09/2015 23:52:43.0041] [0] **********************************************
- Edited by sixstorm1 5 hours 36 minutes ago