Unable to view Public folder items using outlook
Hello All,
Public folders are always new to me. I have a issue where users having "owner" permission on the public folders are unable to view the itemsusing outlook. It say "There are no items to show in this view". On some public folders few items are visible say out of 176 only 4 items are visible. I am running exchange 2007
I tried removing the permission and readding them its still the same and if i add a new user say test account to any of the public folder all items are visible.
Donno what is that i am missing..
Any quick help will be highly appreciated.
thanks in advance
July 24th, 2008 5:41pm
Clarify: the users who got owner permission on public folders cant see the items in these public folders; they got error info when the folders opened, right? Test user with owner permission can access the items well in those public folders
1. Is there any error info you can find in the clients application log after reproduce issue?
2. Please update outlook to latest SP, if you are using outlook 2007, please try to update to SP1 and then install Hotfix 951437. Check the issue
3. Start an affected users outlook in safe mode and check issue <Start->Run->outlook /safe>
4. Still that affected users outlook, sort the items in the public folder using either the 'From' or 'Received' field, check if you still got error
5. You said the owners cant see the items of public folders in outlook, how about OWA, same issue symptom? If they can see items via OWA, then we may isolate the issue to client side.
6. If you still got same issue via OWA, theres a known cause for this error: Affected users mailbox may have corrupted somehow, you can try to backup an affected users data and recreate mailbox for testing
Hotfix 951437 - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/951437/en-us
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July 25th, 2008 3:34pm
Hi, Salika, How's the problem? Did the suggestions help?
July 28th, 2008 4:06am
Hi James,
The problem still persist. We have outlook 2003 running in our enviornment and theusers does not receive any error.To give u more information...
the public folder data isgetting replicatedfrom ex 5.5 using third party tool.We have 2PF server in target enviornment, one server is directly getting data from 5.5 and the other has a replica of it. On both the public folder server isee equal number of PF items. But still onFridayevening i decided to do afull resync of public folder data. The server which is directly connected to 5.5 has full content (It had in past as well) Now..on replica server some of the data is missing not sure how..
I suggest we have some additional public folder backfill problem as well. Just sitting on it to resolve that. I decided to remove the item level permission so that items in PF gets changed and the existing data gets replicated to replica server. But pfdavadmin tool is not helping to do that whenever i try to connect to public folder server it gives an 503 server unavailable error .
Any inputs on this please.
Thanks in advance
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July 28th, 2008 6:39pm
Clarify: The server connected to 5.5 directly, we call it PF A, and it has full content from 5.5 directly. But after replicate from PF A to replica server [PF B], it missed some data. You want changed PF As client permission to force replica again by using PFDAVAdmin but got error 503 when you used the tool to connect PF A, right?
1. Go to affected users PC, use MFCMAPI to check which PFreplica affected user has connected to. Also compare with other who can access
a. Run MFCMAPI on users PC
b. Session menu->choose Logon and Display Store Table->choose affected users profile in jumped window
c. Double-click Public Folder->single-click Public Root in next window->search for PR_REPLICA_SERVER property, itll show the name of server that outlook is using to access
d. Do above steps to your test users mail profile and check
2. Troubleshooting the backfill process [please view Troubleshooting Section]
July 29th, 2008 7:57am
Hi, Salika, how's the troubleshooting result?
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July 30th, 2008 7:18am
Hi James,
I could figure out why i was unable to connect to public folder server using PFDAVADMIN. In my case it was incorrect asp.net version installed on the server.
Using PFDAVADMIN i modified the items in the public folders, i can see an outgoing replication message and it fails at the transport hub server with the following error.
'554 5.6.0 STOREDRV.Deliver.ExceptionropertyValidationException; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception',744281,1,,,Folder Content
Reffered the article http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2008/01/10/447843.aspx and enabled the pipeline tracing and content conversion tracing and further found the following error, as mentioned below. It is complaining about the category field and as per the article the category field may have a space it. In my case it is not having space, but if i modify the category field it gets replicated. Any idea about this error message. what is that in the category field which is causing this replication failure.
Also is there a way that i can query this category field of the public folder item to know what data is stored in this field.
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.PropertyValidationException: Property validation failed. Property = [{00020329-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}:'Keywords'] CategoriesError = Element 1 in the multivalue property is invalid.. at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.StorePropertyDefinition.ValidateSetPropertyValue(Object value) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.StoreObject.set_Item(PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, Object value) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.SetProperty(StorePropertyDefinition property, Object value) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.PromotePropertyValue(StorePropertyDefinition property, TnefPropertyReader propertyReader, Boolean allowLargeProperties) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.<CreateRulesTable>b__1(InboundTnefConverter converter, NativeStorePropertyDefinition property, TnefPropertyReader reader) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.ParseTnefProperty(TnefPropertyReader propertyReader, Boolean forceTransmittable) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.ParseMapiProperties(Boolean forceTransmittable) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.ConvertToItem(TnefReader reader, InboundMessageWriter targetWriter, InboundConversionOptions options, ConversionLimitsTracker limitsTracker, String correlationKey, Boolean isSummaryTnef) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.ParseAttachDataObject(TnefPropertyReader propertyReader) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.ParseTnefProperty(TnefPropertyReader propertyReader, Boolean forceTransmittable) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.ParseAttachmentProperties() at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.ReadAttribute() at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.ConvertToItem(TnefReader reader, InboundMessageWriter targetWriter, InboundConversionOptions options, ConversionLimitsTracker limitsTracker, String correlationKey, Boolean isSummaryTnef) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundTnefConverter.ConvertToItem(Stream tnefStream, InboundMessageWriter targetWriter, InboundConversionOptions options, ConversionLimitsTracker limitsTracker, String correlationKey, Boolean isSummaryTnef) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundMimeConverter.<>c__DisplayClass16.<PromoteTnef>b__10() at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ConvertUtils.CallCts(Trace tracer, String methodName, String exceptionString, CtsCall ctsCall) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundMimeConverter.PromoteTnef(InboundTnefConverter tnefconverter, MimePart tnefPart, Boolean isSummaryTnef) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundMimeConverter.ConvertToItemInternal(MimePromotionFlags promotionFlags) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ConvertUtils.CallCts(Trace tracer, String methodName, String exceptionString, CtsCall ctsCall) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.InboundMimeConverter.ConvertToItem(MimePromotionFlags promotionFlags) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ItemConversion.InternalConvertAnyMimeToItem(Item itemOut, EmailMessage messageIn, InboundConversionOptions options, MimePromotionFlags promotionFlags, Boolean isStreamToStream) at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ItemConversion.ConvertAnyMimeToItem(Item itemOut, EmailMessage messageIn, InboundConversionOptions options, MimePromotionFlags flags)InboundConversionOptions:- preferredCharset: iso-8859-1- trustAsciiCharsets: True- isSenderTrusted: True- imceaResolveableDomain: tkx.it.thyssenkrupp.com- preserveReportBody: False- clearCategories: True- userADSession: - recipientCache: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.ADRecipientCache- clientSubmittedSecurely: False- serverSubmittedSecurely: TrueConversionLimits:- maxMimeTextHeaderLength: 2000- maxMimeSubjectLength: 255- maxSize: 2147483647- maxMimeRecipients: 12288- maxRecipientPropertyLength: 2000- maxBodyPartsTotal: 250- maxEmbeddedMessageDepth: 30- exemptPFReplicationMessages: True
August 7th, 2008 5:07pm