Uninstall Issues - Exchange 2007 SP1
I have a Windows2008 x64 SP1 running Exchange2007 SP1 x64.I need to completely uninstall the Exchange2007.I have managed to uninstall all the Exchange2007 Server Roles, except the Mailbox Role and Management Tools.I have removed all the mailboxes,Offline AddressBooks and Send/POP ConnectorsThe Store.exe is unable to mount, so I need to uninstall Exchange2007 with all services stopped.Mailbox Role PrerequisitesFailed
ERROR :Uninstall cannot continue. Database 'SERVERNAME': Exchange is unable to check the public folder replicas for "SERVERNAME\First Storage Group\SERVERDBNAME". Verify the Microsoft Information Store service is running on SERVERNAME.DOMAIN.com, and that the database is properly mounted.Recommended Action: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=30939&l=en&v=ExBPA.3&id=b6e3b32a-8848-46cb-9567-72288ac15f60
Elapsed Time: 00:00:20I have the same error when using Exchange Shell Command Line Removals.{PS} Get-PublicFolder -ID '\' -Server SERVERNAMEThe operation cannot be executed because the public folder database SERVERNAME\First Storage Group\SERVERNAME' is not mounted. Mount the public folder database andtry again.At line:1 char:1+ G <<<< et-PublicFolder -ID '\' -Server SERVERNAMEPlease help urgently
August 5th, 2009 3:11pm
Could you Mount the database with blank store and then try to uninstall Exchange. It needs database mounted to check if you have any PF if yes then it has to make sure that you dont own any replicas
|CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
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August 5th, 2009 4:42pm
Hi Vinod S PoojaryThe Exchange Information Store service does not start at all.The Exchange System Attendant service also does not start.So the uninstall requires a mounted DB to uninstall ?Any other ideas ?
August 6th, 2009 2:20pm
If you are removing Exchange from a Mailbox server, remove the Exchange database files (*.edb) and storage group log files (*.log). Read the below http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb123893.aspx If you can't make them to start then you have 2 options left 1. recover the server by /Recover Switch and then bring server online and make sure you donot have any PF or replicas in there 2. Manually delete registry entries and folders from server and delete the server object from ADSIEDIT The second one is not recommended by MS
|CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 6th, 2009 2:30pm