Have multiple users using Windows 7 and Office 2013. When they print Word or an Execl document to different networked printers they get a page the the below information first. then it prints the document and on blank page at the end:
Microsoft Word - Strap Revised (this is the name of the document printed)
NWORD.EXE (this shows up on all the Word documents)
36:439:87 (this number changes with every document)
6/6/5 (this number changes with every document)
Here is an example of the Execl Page. It will print the below information first, the document, then a blank page:
25 Jan 7 Feb 2015.xlsx (this is the name of the document printed)
CEL.EXE (this shows up on all the Word documents)
57:682:69 (this number changes with every document)
6/59/5 (this number changes with every document)
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office and get the same results,
any help would be great, thanks