Update Rollup 3 Delay
Taking an awfully long time to install this. Hung up on the.NET assemblies portion. Is this something to expect from here on, extended outage for each update?
August 8th, 2008 10:04pm
First please run EXBPA to confirm that the Exchange Server is running in good condition.
Please download the Update Rollup3 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (KB948016) to certain folder which do not has security restrictions.
Update Rollup3 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (KB949870)
Then please run the below command from a command prompt to get the installation log.
Exchange2007-KB949870-x64-EN.msp /lxv* c:\949870.log
If the installation still fails, then please send the 948016.log to Xiu Zhang for further troubleshooting.
Hope it helps.
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August 11th, 2008 1:44pm
Appreciate the reply, but for clarification, the update didn't fail - it just took a very long time to complete. Over two hours. I was just curious as to why.
August 11th, 2008 8:38pm
During the installation,serveral settings and configuration need to do with your server.That may take some time to finish.
Besides, you can check the setup log if you installed with the command line in my previous post and to see what it has done in the .NET part.
Description of Update Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1
Hope it helps.
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August 14th, 2008 6:53am
Hiya chap, depending on how powerful your server is and indeed the load (if any) at the time this can take a while.
It seems to perhaps be a feature of the installer (which the Exchange team has also stated is not great) the plan to update the installation of future updates.
The following is borrowed from the MSExchange team site: http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2008/07/08/449161.aspx
Rollup installation troubleshooting
Seeing that those Rollups contain security fixes, we expect that a lot of people will be applying them. There are two possible issues that we would like you to be aware of:
Exchange 2007 managed services might time out during certificate revocation checks
During the installation of the Rollup, you might encounter a message that you have to wait until the disk space calculation is completed. This message will clear by itself and then you will be able to proceed further. We will permanently resolve this in the future.
When installing a Rollup, we recommend you use the same account that you used to install Exchange Server. If you are using a different account, that account needs to have Local Administrator rights as well as rights to read Active Directory on Exchange object as well as server level (as the update needs to determine which roles are installed on the server). Not having required permissions can lead to OWA not being updated correctly and displaying a blank page after update has completed.
My primary CCR node has 8 processors and 20GB of RAM and it took 45 minutes on that to run!
August 14th, 2008 9:53pm
Is your server connected to the Internet? There is an issue that occurs when a server is NOT connected to the Internet and the setup of one of the services can time-out and not start. There is a posting (first one, I think) in the GeneralExchange forum that talks about this.
By the way, it took me about 15 minutes to update each of the nodes on my CCR clusters.
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August 17th, 2008 9:14am