How do we update the existing external contcts in exchange? 1st import was last year and we have a new csv contact list.
I have this in mind:
A. Delete all outdated external contact
start Exchange Management Shell and run the following script:
Get-Contact | Remove-MailContact
B. Import updated external contact
-Import .csv file with the desired contacts, set column headings as follows: Alias, DisplayName, Name, EmailAddress
-save the file as contacts.csv and copy the file to the server.
-start Exchange Management Shell and run the following script:
import-Csv "C:Contacts.csv" | ForEach-Object{
New-MailContact -Name $_.Name -ExternalEmailAddress $_.EmailAddress -Alias $_.Alias
But on our CSV file we have other parameters as follows:
- last name
- First name
- Job title
- Display name
- company
- Department
- Branch
- Phone
- Email Address
Will my plan work?
How will the missing parameters be reflected when we import?
- Edited by MGerio 22 hours 2 minutes ago