Hi Leroy:
Are you referring to Office update package? If this is the case, then the binary delta compression might not be able to apply to updating from a local share.
Per my understanding, the condition of using
this technology is only used if youre updating from the most recent version of Office build.
There will be a comparison between the latest update and Office client. Therefore updating from a local share. Wont trigger binary delta compression.
Quote from
Starting in July 2014, the update process automatically uses a technology called binary delta compression to help reduce the size of the files downloaded
even more. But, this technology is only used if youre updating from the most recent version of Office 365 ProPlus. For example, binary delta compression is used if youre updating from the June to the July version, but not if youre updating
from the May to the July version.
Edited by
Chloe WangMicrosoft employee, Moderator
Thursday, May 07, 2015 8:00 AM