For he last 4 weeks since update KB2956081 was issued every time an Excel update is installed it disables something in the macros previously created. This is quite a few and they are run on an almost daily basis and up until now they have worked fine.
The only way we can get them working again is to uninstall all Excel Updates.
The odd thing about this problem is that it does not happen when it pastes from one workbook to
another (which is what one might expect) but when it pastes from one tab to another in the same workbook
It fails on the tab to tab copy/paste not on the one before where it copy/pastes from another workbook
on the same workbook.
Further testing was carried out
using the same spread sheet
1. I copied the 28 lines of the macro that works into the existing one that doesnt and it stopped in the
same place. no other workbooks open inc Personal
2. I copied the next 40 lines and it still worked
3. I changed the names of the tabs in from macroquery to query and macroCHECK to CHECK
so it was now using the original sheets
didn't work
4. changed the names back again in worked
So the problem seems to be copy/pasting between the original sheets themselves not the actual copy/paste
5. To check this I renamed the original sheets to queryoriginal and CHECKoriginal and created 2 new
sheets query and CHECK
Ran the original macro and it ran through to the end no problem
Confused I am