This is my situation, i've an Exchange 2013 Server On-Premises, and i'd like to create a Send Connector that would use Office 365's EOC as SmartHost.
I've read about how to do this, but i keep getting an error from the EMC that says:
No se puede hacer coincidir el nombre de identificador rblSmartHostAuthMechanismNone con un nombre de enumerador vlido. Especifique uno de los siguientes nombres de enumerador e intntelo de nuevo: None, Verbose
Which roughly translated would be something like...
The identifier's name "rblSmartHostAuthMechanismNone" won't match any valid enumerator's name. Specify any of the following enumerator names and try again: None, Verbose.
(I've posted this message on the Office 365 forum and they told me to try here...) -i tried to add a link,
but the site wouldn't let me-
Just in case it is not clear, i did all the necessary steps on the Office 365 EAC, and it went smoothly. That error message occurs when i try to create (or modify) a Send Connector in my on-premises server.
Can you think of any suggestions for me?