Hope this is the right Community for this question as its not a VBA query. I'm attempting to use Indirect and Rank functions in the same formulae.
I have a range EW60:GT105 containing values. Col A60:A105 contains the years 2015 to 2060.
Using a Validation Cell, users can select a year 2015 thru 2060. Depending on what year is selected I would like the row representing the year to Rank the values in that order. E:G If 2030 were selected then the Rank formula would be
=RANK(EW123,$EW$123:$GT$123) To return this formula I use |
="=RANK(EW"&MATCH(EH106,'Number Of Interventions'!$B$60:$B$105,0)+59&",$EW$"&MATCH(EH106,'Number Of Interventions'!$B$60:$B$105,0)+59&":$GT$"&MATCH(EH106,'Number Of Interventions'!$B$60:$B$105,0)+59&")")
The hardcoded 59 is the row number where the Validation range begins.
When I try to put an indirect(formula) I get #Ref! Would anyone be able to explain why or even better suggest an alternate solution please?
- Moved by Fei XueMicrosoft contingent staff Monday, February 02, 2015 6:32 AM