Useless events firing in Visio 2013?

Hello Visio guys,

i was just wondering if anyone else is also noticing the Events firing in Visio 2013, where definitely no Events should be fired.

- When i change a page, i got hundreds and hundreds QueueMarkerEvents which are defined in my EventXFMod cell. First i thought this might be a problem of our addin, but even with a fresh and naked Visio 2013 i can see this Events being fired with the Event Monitoring tool of the SDK.
- Also, when i save a *.vsd file under *.vsdx Format i have an enourmous amount of shapes this EventXFMod QME's fired.

The SDK says "An event cell that is evaluated when a shape's position or orientation on the page is transformed ("XF")." But why has any of this shapes Parameters changed just because i Change the page in my visio document (or when i try to save the document)?

Needless to say, that this Events are not fired when we do the same in Visio 2010, 2007 or 2003.

Of course, this makes an addin, which listen to this Events pretty unusable under Visio 2013. This is why we recommend our customers to NOT use the new Visio 2013. But i really want to know, why it behaves like this and what i can do to prevent this.

Any ideas?

Edit: These Events are only fired once, when i switch page. Once this has happened and i Change to other page and back, they are not fired anymore. On the other Hand, closing the document and doing the same, they are fired again (once).

Edit 2: I have upload a test file for you to see to skydrive:!147&authkey=!AKy_LkSrxU4vygs
When you open the file you will be on page "EG". When you open the Visio 2013 Event Monitor and then Switch to page "OG1" you can see that every shape on this page is firing this Event.

  • Edited by ThHartl Tuesday, August 20, 2013 9:11 AM
August 20th, 2013 11:18am


As far as I know, Visio2013 have a lot of new feature and shapes.

We will find over two hundred new versions of shapes to help us build your projects.

Then Visio 2013 object model includes two new APIs that implement the Change Shape feature: Selection.ReplaceShape and the Shape.ReplaceShape methods.

Using Shape.ReplaceShape, the procedure described previously could have been written as a simple VBA macro.

 I think you may find the similar shape template in Visio 2013.

For more detail information, please refer to the following link:


George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

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August 21st, 2013 11:42am

Hello George,

thank you for your answer. I know the links you provided to me, but i dont see it has anything to do with my Problem.

I dont want a Visio 2013 Shape.Replace Feature, neither i want Visio to replace anything in my EventXFMod cells. I am getting into serious Problems when visio fires hundreds of EventXFMod Cell Changed Events, where nothing has changed but the user only Switches a drawing page. It makes (i assume almost any) addins, which react to REAL EventXFMod CellChanged Events causing serious trouble.

From a Office application developer Point of view, Visio 2013 right now is pretty useless, as this is not the first Problem i am having with (see previous questions and post from me).

The worst thing is, no one can provide with real explanations about this behaviours and nothing can be found in any documentation.

Have you seen my example file and try to reproduce it, maybe you know what causing us here into serious Problems. We have Visio customer files of around 20MB -120MB file size with sometime up to 100.000 shapes inside. We can make pretty fast work inside Visio 2010. When user Switch pages of the same file in Visio 2013 and has to wait up to 10 Minutes until Visio 2013 is ready for Input again, i just can give them the advance of not using Visio 2013, as i dont know how to get rid of these Problems.

August 21st, 2013 11:54am

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