User creation from txt file
I need to create users account from a text file in the Exchange console 2007, E.g:user1user2user3user4user5
The Active Directory team have already created the above users and fill out the custom attribute 2 with "LINUX" for linux account (MailUser) and "EXCHANGE" for Exchange account (MailBox).
I would like to generate a script that would automaticaly create the users in the exchange console 2007.
Note that when the custom attribute 2 is equal to "EXCHANGE" I would need to have to fill in the correct storage group for each Exchange user.
Thank you all in advance for you help.
February 11th, 2010 6:27pm
It sounds like you are actually wanting to mailbox-enable an existing user, not create a new user account.There is a substantial difference between these two things, and potentially painful consequences of not knowing the difference.
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February 11th, 2010 6:50pm
I would like to describe a bit the current process thought the Exch console. It will maybe clarify what type of shell script I need. To create a mail contact from the Exchange console management 2007: I Click on "new mail contact" and select "Existing User" ; search for my user Then I need to enter the Email address; next ; new; finish And the account is created. I would like to create a script to manage the above process from a text file (I can customize the text file as I Which, so I can add info like SamAccountName, Primary SMTP address etc...) Also I would like to do the same with the mailBox creation. In that process I only need to select user + Storage group. If having 1 script is too complicated, I would not mind having 2 scripts, one for the mail contact creation and for mail box creation. I would really appreciate you help.
February 12th, 2010 2:11pm
First step is to create your input file. I wouldn't try to re-invent the wheel using a custom text file for input. Do it up in Excel, and then save it as .csv.
Once you have a .csv file and know what the data looks like, use import-csv to bring the data into Powershell for processing.
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February 15th, 2010 4:56pm
It works fine with the below command, in fact I got a csv file from the AD team with the content I wish to get. It allows me to create bunch of user from the csv file. Mailuser account: Shell command import-csv C:\mailuser.csv | foreach {enable-MailUser -identity $_.identity -ExternalEmailAddress $_.ExternalEmailAddress} CSV file content: Identity,ExternalEmailAddress company/UserTest//User1, *********************************************** Mailbox account: Shell command import-csv C:\mailbox.csv | foreach {enable-MailBox -identity $_.identity -PrimarySmtpAddress $_.PrimarySmtpAddress -Database $_.Database} CSV file content: Identity,PrimarySmtpAddress,Database cmopany/UserTest//UserExchange,, DATABASE01\SG1
February 16th, 2010 3:36pm
I think I misunderstood. If you are wanting a script that will run from within the EMC, without using the EMS, I don't think you can do that. It was not designed for or intended to be used in that manner.If you want a GUI interface that you can use to selectively run a script against an object, or collection of objects selected from the GUI, I'd suggest you investigate Quest's PowerGUI.
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February 16th, 2010 4:16pm