I have Exchange 2010 STD. I plan on migrating to Exchange online (Office 365). I need to get my total "user" mailboxes. Only user not including Resource Mailboxes or anything else. Does anyone know how I can get this info or a script?
Technology Tips and News
I have Exchange 2010 STD. I plan on migrating to Exchange online (Office 365). I need to get my total "user" mailboxes. Only user not including Resource Mailboxes or anything else. Does anyone know how I can get this info or a script?
A simple one-liner:
(get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails UserMailbox).count
gives you the number
or list them all:
get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails UserMailbox
If you have multiple AD domains, then before you run that
Set-ADServerSettings -ViewEntireForest
(get-mailbox -filter "RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox'" -ResultSize Unlimited).count
This will get you all the user mailboxes. By default, the command will only return the first 1000 mailboxes so using -ResultSize Unlimited makes sure you get them all.
Andy David's post in this thread has good advice if you have multiple domains.
Get-MailboxDatabase MBX-Db-NAME* | Get-Mailbox -filter "RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox'" | Group-object -Property:Database | Select-object name,count
This will give you details of Total mailbox per Database.
(get-mailbox -filter "RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox'" -ResultSize Unlimited).count
This will get you all the user mailboxes. By default, the command will only return the first 1000 mailboxes so using -ResultSize Unlimited makes sure you get them all.
Andy David's post in this thread has good advice if you have multiple domains.