Users cannot open emails
Hello, I have two users that cannot open emails.The first user is trying to open a plain text email that is generated by one of our in-house programs. These emails have always opened in the past, and other users on the distribution list can open the email.The second user is trying to open an email from one of our customers that is approx 2MB. Both emails will not open at all and causes Outlook 2003 to completely lock up as it is requesting information from the Exchange 2003 server. I had to reboot the server this morning as more and more users started experiencing connection issues to Exchange. After the reboot, everything seems to be okay except these two emails again. I've tried deleting the emails from Outlook and OWA with no luck, just lockups.How can I fix this issue?
December 12th, 2008 7:45pm
Update...I got the emails to delete, it just took an extremely long time. I am noticing occasionally I will receive a message saying Outlook is requesting data from the server, and then Outlook locks up. Also stting Snooze on reminders locks Outlook as well.
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December 12th, 2008 7:59pm
Issue description: Two users cant open messages in the outlook
Check info:
1. Please describe the topology, software version
2. Two users suffer from different symptom, right? The first one cant open the messages which sent from a program, and the second one cant open a message with an attachment
3. Did the symptom go away after you reboot the server and delete these messages?
4. What exact information in the messages which you received for requiring data from server?
5. What do you mean about Outlook locks up, do you mean that outlook hangs up, no responding?
6. How many users suffer this locks up except your client after server rebooted?
1. Please try to reproduce the locks up symptom after users received the mails which require data from server, and then check the application log for related error event on the server and client PC
2. Would your client locks up every time when you use Reminder snooze? if yes, please also try to reproduce the Reminder snooze symptom and check the application log in order to get more related info for further analysis
December 15th, 2008 8:46am