We use office 365 for our company emails and we're now setting up company b and wish to do the same.
I believe it is possible to use 1 office 365 account and add another domain https://support.office.microsoft.com/en-us/article/Add-additional-domains-to-Office-365-86f439e3-6f4b-4e84-96a9-19ef46bb5f10?CorrelationId=9dcf3008-7d5b-4d2b-ac52-03505e721d8b&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
The question I have is it possible that user@companyA.com can open an additional mailbox from user@companyB.com and then send as that user. I still need to keep the emails from both companies separate.
Thank you