VISIO 2013 : Metafile is very diffuse


I am drawing my VISIO shapes in scale 1:1 and copy them as Metafile in a sheet with scale 1:12,5. I also use this Metafile for PowerPoint, Excel or Word. Metafile is perfect for scaling.

Now I use VISIO 2013 Standard and the Metafile is very unclear and diffuse and the letters are disarrange.

What should I do?  Would it be better in VISIO 2013 Professional?



February 14th, 2014 9:10am

Are other image types created better e.g. gif, png ?

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February 14th, 2014 10:47am

Unfortunately not !

I tried gif, jpg, png, tif, bmp, wmf, xps and svg

br Luvie

February 17th, 2014 8:31am

I cannot repro this issue. It will be great if you could please share your file so that we can clearly understand the issue.
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May 28th, 2014 4:21pm

I'm experiencing the same problem. Visio 2010 is OK.

April 29th, 2015 3:50am

It looks like Visio 2013 does some sort of (incorrect?) anti-aliasing in this case.

Some user example form another forum below.

1. Overlapping lines in the exported file (you can see the position where the lines overlap - what the heck?!). In Visio 2010 and below, these artifacts (if they exist at all) are much less apparent.

A Visio file, containing two overlapping lines 3/4pt, exported to EMF with Visio 2010 and 2013:

Visio 2010: 

Visio 2013: 

2. There appears to be also a problem with embedded objects, like embedded objects (e.g. Word or Excel). It appears to be fixed with some update for PDF in Visio 2013, but it looks the problem is still there for the metafiles..

Visio file (with embedded Word object text):

EMF (exported by Visio 2013):

 EMF (exported by Visio 2010):

This makes me a sad panda :(
Maybe there is some setting to fix that?

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April 29th, 2015 6:06am

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