View/Disable Outlook Rules on Exchange 2003?
Is there a way on Exchange 2003 to view/disable rules that users have created in their Outlook? I'm trying to stop the users from using/creating rules to forward their emails to external mail accounts. Is there a way to get all deferred action
rules that exist on the mailboxes? Disabling auto-forwarding in the ESM Internet Message Formats properties is not an option, as we have some AD forwarding contacts that we need to keep working. I'm running Exchange 2003 Enterprise SP2. Thanks
in advance for any help.
May 25th, 2010 6:57pm
I think it's better and easier to create custom remote domains in the Internet Message Formats.
Disabling auto-forwarding in the default domain.
Enable auto-forwarding in the other domains which your contacts belongs to.Frank Wang
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May 27th, 2010 6:37am
Thanks for your answer. What about the question re. Outlook rules? Is there a way that I can see the users' rules on Exchange and disable those that forward their email to external accounts? Thanks again for your help.
May 27th, 2010 4:49pm
Did anyone get a solution for this?
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January 17th, 2011 9:26am
There nothing much we can do from the server side.
There is no option to export the rule or veiw the rule.
One more option (not sure if that works in your case) you can disable the Rules Option itself from the user Outlook.
January 18th, 2011 4:22am