View Retention policy expiry column

Hi All

We are experimenting with Retention Policies to see if we can replace a 3rd party product.

What I would like to do is add the retention policy expiry column to my view panel in Outlook. I realize that I can see these details when I preview each email, but I'd like to see the column rather than have to open each email or run a 'expiring soon report'.

I tried adding the 'expiry' column, but I guess that's not the correct one? Does anyone know the correct column to add?

March 19th, 2015 11:50am


Thanks for posting your issue to us here. I will be assisting you with this issue.

To narrow down the issue, do you mind help me with some questions below:

  1. Which version Outlook are you using? Outlook 2013/2010 or older version?

  2. Are you the only person who faced this issue?

  3. How did you set-up your expires?

I tested from my side, I could see the expires by following steps below:

  1. Open Outlook

      Take Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013 for example: Double click the message to open it in its own

      window-> File-> Properties ->expires after >fill you expire date


  2. Add the expires column, you will see your expire date displayed there


Let me know, if I misunderstood anything, thank you.

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March 22nd, 2015 8:44am

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