Visio 2010- need automatic picture compression


We have a Visio doc previously created in Visio 2006 with 100 pages and many pictures.  I read in MS Office forums that MS Office 2010 can be set to automatically compress all pictures in a document or all documents opened. Once I upgraded to Visio 2010 I tried to follow the MS Office directions for MS Visio. However I dont find the same "compress on save" options to set it as a rule for all files in Visio.

How do we set up Visio 2010 to always compress all pictures in this document (or all docs we open) to 50% ?

Thank you


December 30th, 2014 7:27pm


As far as I know, the "Picture compression" option is used with Word 2010,Excel 2010 and PowerPoint 2010. Visio 2010 has no such feature yet. Please see the article:

Based on my tested, if we want to compress pictures in Visio 2010, we need to do it with following steps:

Select the image>Click the format tab> Choose Compress Picture


If you want to do it automatically, we might need some VBA code. I recommend you post the question to MSDN forum for General Office Development

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George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

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December 31st, 2014 5:14am

Thank you for your reply.

I have already individually compressed all the pictures in the document. However, since there are probably 500+ and they will be updated at various times with new screenshots we are looking for a way to keep the existing compressed and any new ones automatically compressed and not have to count on the individual editors to remember to compress.

The article you suggest above is one of the articles I already looked at which we tried to follow however didnt find the menu items in Visio as described in the MS Office forum. In that particular article Visio does not have "Image Size and Quality" under Help->Options->Advanced or anywhere else. (the full URL that works for me in case someone else wants to follow it:  )

We were hoping there was another MS Visio Menu option we hadnt found to accomplish the same as with MS Office and believe this is the appropriate forum had there been another menu path to follow.

Since there is not we will post to the suggested site for possible other recommendations.

Thank you for the additional forum suggestion.

January 5th, 2015 6:37pm

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