Refer: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/forums/office/en-US/65992e72-7cac-48b7-8921-f8613869a999/upgrading-visio-2013-standard-to-professional
If you want to upgrade Visio 2013 standard to Visio 2013 Professional, you can try to do following steps:
1. Check that you have all the correct system/product requirements in place. Visio Professional 2013
2. Purchase the latest version of the product using the Upgrade button/links above.
3. Download the product or wait for postal delivery if you selected the disk version.
4. Read any installation notes that come with the program.
5. Back up any data that could be lost or corrupted during the install.
6. Close any programs running on your computer.
7. Install the new version.
8. A computer re-start may be required.
lease refer to the following link:
The article applies to Office 2010, but we can refer to it.
Second, you want to the cost about upgrading.
You can go to Microsoft store to ask
for the price.