Visual Basic for Applicaitons

I have a need to make sure all Office 2010 installed on all workstation must have 'Visual Basic for Applicaitons' > Run from my computer. This task is performed in Control Panel in Windows 7, in Uninstall or change a program.

I can not touch every workstation to check or to change it! Is there any way I can do this by other means, GPO for example! thanks.

July 15th, 2013 4:33pm

you can use OCT to create a customisation MSPfile, and deploy that.
or you could create a custom config.xml file to enable the feature and then use setup.exe /modify customconfig.xml

as far as I know, there are no GPO settings to change the feature states of Office.
but you could use a GPO script to launch either the MSPfile method, or the config.xml method (if you don't have some other way of deploying software)

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July 15th, 2013 9:02pm

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