I need help with the below thread - I have provided the original question the reply and the customer's comeback.
I recently told about 31 desktops to a client with Office Professional 2013.
He is seeing a different way to download office, through a click wizard.
original question:
His issue is going to be with patches and updates.
He mentioned that he goes through his WSUS server for patches/updates.
He is still able to do that?
He is afraid not and that every system will have to get updates individually.
Here are a couple of answers that I received yes they can still use WSUS and both reference the same link for assistance.
- you can use wsus for getting updates for all clients/servers. You can configure it from the group policy. If you want to download individual updates, you should access http ://catalog.update.microsoft.com and search the update by product.
- You can definitely use WSUS for Office 2013.....Just look at the link below for the update catalog that shows the listing of updates available to WSUS for Office 2013.
http: // catalog. update.microsoft .c om /v7 / site/ search.aspx?q = office%202013
That answer is a bit vague. Specifically: our WSUS server already has updates for Office 2013 authorized on it, meaning that it can push those updates to appropriate workstations. But it reports that there are no applicable workstations that have Office 2013 on our network.
Meanwhile we have another domain for a subsidiary of ours and they also have a WSUS server and at least one workstation running Office 2013 open license. That WSUS server does detect the workstation with the open license version on it.
Are they saying that when we go to WSUS to authorize updates for the Office 2013 product, we should be looking for an alternate set of updates that will apply to the OEM version of Office 2013 ?
Putting the updates aside, it is still the case that the initial installation requires each workstation to download the rest of the installation. The description of click-to-run we read mentions you can begin using the product right away while the full features download in the background.