Warning 2601, errors 2604 and 2501
I am getting this warning and errors from both nodes in the cluster about every 15 minutes:
Event Type:WarningEvent Source:MSExchange ADAccessEvent Category:General Event ID:2601Date:11/29/2007Time:9:14:56 AMUser:N/AComputer:MAIL-01Description:Process MSEXCHANGEADTOPOLOGY (PID=1324). When initializing a remote procedure call (RPC) to the Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service, Exchange could not retrieve the SID for account <WKGUID=DC1301662F547445B9C490A52961F8FC,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,...> - Error code=8007077f. The Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service will continue starting with limited permissions.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
Event Type:ErrorEvent Source:MSExchange ADAccessEvent Category:General Event ID:2604Date:11/29/2007Time:9:14:56 AMUser:N/AComputer:MAIL-01Description:Process MSEXCHANGEADTOPOLOGY (PID=1324). When updating security for a remote procedure call (RPC) access for the Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service, Exchange could not retrieve the security descriptor for Exchange server object PASDEX - Error code=8007077f. The Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service will continue starting with limited permissions.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
Event Type:ErrorEvent Source:MSExchange ADAccessEvent Category:General Event ID:2501Date:11/29/2007Time:9:14:56 AMUser:N/AComputer:MAIL-01Description:Process MSEXCHANGEADTOPOLOGY (PID=1324). The site monitor API was unable to verify the site name for this Exchange computer - Call=DsctxGetContext Error code=8007077f. Make sure that Exchange server is correctly registered on the DNS server.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
November 29th, 2007 9:18pm
Although the messages do appear in both cluster node's event logs, verify that the COMPUTER field is in fact the same node on each log entry. If that computer is the Passive node, then it is just an erroneous message which the application of SP1 recently resolved in the environment I witnessed this behavior.
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December 14th, 2007 5:43pm
I am experiencing the exact same list of event log entries as the original poster, every 15 minutes too. However, this is on a single server, the only server on the network running Exchange.
Exchange 2007 SP1 was clean installed on a new Windows Server 2003 x64 R2 SP2machine in a network with an existing Exchange 2003 SP2 server. I went through the transition documentation step-by-step and ultimately uninstalled Exchange 2003 from the old server and removed that server from the domain.
We are experiencing very slow access to Public Folders from our Vista SP1, Outlook 2007 SP1 clients and I'm guessing that solving thisADAccess problem is the first step.
We are also finding that the Information Store service doesn't start at system boot, the service manager reports error 0 as the reason. This is occuring even though changes have been made to the Exchange services' DependsOnService registry value as recommended by some KB articles.
The Exchange server seems to have good network connectivity to the domain controllers. The server does use DHCP for obtaining an IP address and DNS settings but there is a reservation on the DHCP server to ensure the same address is issued every time.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
February 21st, 2008 4:37am
I setup a test environment and started getting these errors when I created two sites under the sites and services for my server (they are on two different subnets). the errors when away after moving all the servers back under a single site. not sure if that is causing the errors but if you are going to try it, please post your results here.
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March 14th, 2008 12:36am
Make sure you have KB948496 applied. This usually cures the issue. The Post-SP1 rollup implements some network scaleability features that cause some really strange connectivity errors, not just the Events 2601, 2604, 2501. KB948496 disables the chimney and a few other things in the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP\Parameters key (RSS & TCPA).Try it - Mikey likes it!!! :-)
April 10th, 2008 6:09pm
I also am getting this exactbehaviour. like a previous poster it is on a clean install, will be installing the post SP1 rollups over this comming weekend hopefully that will resolve the issue however if somone sees anything in the meantime any assistance would be apreciated.
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May 12th, 2008 10:52pm
I had a similar issue.I disolved my NIC teaming and problem immediately went away.I am currently looking at a new driver for my NIC and will re-try teaming to see if the problem re-occurs.
May 15th, 2008 8:36pm
Ron Glaister wrote:
Make sure you have KB948496 applied. This usually cures the issue. The Post-SP1 rollup implements some network scaleability features that cause some really strange connectivity errors, not just the Events 2601, 2604, 2501. KB948496 disables the chimney and a few other things in the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP\Parameters key (RSS & TCPA).Try it - Mikey likes it!!! :-)
Update installed, and then disabling Receive Side Scaling worked for me.
Thank you VERY much. I really didn't like unteaming as a "fix"
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May 27th, 2008 6:23pm
In my case this problem was caused by Exchange services starting up to fast (or network services starting up to slow).
Solved it by:
1. ChangedExchange services to manual startup
2. Made a batch script with "net start" commands that would start allthe necessaryExchange Services (and a simple ping commandto delay the scripta bit)
3. Scheduled it via Scheduled Tasks to run at computer startup.
The server also didn't always mount the databases (located on iSCSI which also had eventlog failures during startup) so my script also callsan additional Powershell script that mounts the databasesif they aren't already mounted. The scriptrepeats itself three times.
July 3rd, 2008 6:41pm
I have the same case as you with Databases on iSCSI and it is showing those 3 errors. Would you mind sharing your batch and powershell script with me?
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July 24th, 2008 4:47pm
Hi John,
Here you are:
@echo off
net start "Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology Service"net start "Microsoft Exchange Anti-spam Update"net start "Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync"net start "Microsoft Exchange File Distribution"net start "Microsoft Exchange IMAP4"net start "Microsoft Exchange Information Store"net start "Microsoft Exchange Mail Submission"net start "Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants"net start "Microsoft Exchange POP3"net start "Microsoft Exchange Replication Service"net start "Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer"net start "Microsoft Exchange Service Host"net start "Microsoft Exchange System Attendant"net start "Microsoft Exchange Transport"net start "Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search"net start "Microsoft Search (Exchange)"
net start "Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology Service"net start "Microsoft Exchange Anti-spam Update"net start "Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync"net start "Microsoft Exchange File Distribution"net start "Microsoft Exchange IMAP4"net start "Microsoft Exchange Information Store"net start "Microsoft Exchange Mail Submission"net start "Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants"net start "Microsoft Exchange POP3"net start "Microsoft Exchange Replication Service"net start "Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer"net start "Microsoft Exchange Service Host"net start "Microsoft Exchange System Attendant"net start "Microsoft Exchange Transport"net start "Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search"net start "Microsoft Search (Exchange)"
net start "Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology Service"net start "Microsoft Exchange Anti-spam Update"net start "Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync"net start "Microsoft Exchange File Distribution"net start "Microsoft Exchange IMAP4"net start "Microsoft Exchange Information Store"net start "Microsoft Exchange Mail Submission"net start "Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants"net start "Microsoft Exchange POP3"net start "Microsoft Exchange Replication Service"net start "Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer"net start "Microsoft Exchange Service Host"net start "Microsoft Exchange System Attendant"net start "Microsoft Exchange Transport"net start "Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search"net start "Microsoft Search (Exchange)"
Call MountStores.bat
MountStores.batC:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe -PSConsoleFile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\exshell.psc1" -command ". 'C:\scripts\MountStores.ps1'"
mount-database -Identity "MAIL1\MDB1"
mount-database -Identity "MAIL1\Public Folders"
July 25th, 2008 3:52pm
I am trying to understand why does the script repeat itself three time? do you mean retry to start the services 3 times?
Thank you very much for sharing. I have been battling with the issue of the databases(in the iscsi not being mounted at startup).
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July 26th, 2008 5:17am
Hi John,
Sorry it was a bit unclear - yes, it just tries to start the services three times with a simple delay(well -"ping"). Ping of a non-existing IP takes approx 4 seconds. You might use wait.exe (http://www.afreego.com/Categories/Utilities/Automation/006450.php) with a longer waitor add some more pings (ping -n parameter) and just start the services once. Use "Scheduled Tasks" in Control Paneland schedule StartServices.bat to run at computer startup.
July 26th, 2008 3:51pm
Hi guys,I believe this error is caused by a lack of communication with the DNS servers ensures that there is resolution "nslookup" Thank you for your attention.
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September 1st, 2009 5:20pm
I had a similar situation, and it would definitely involve DNS. Win 2008 DCs with IPv6 disabled, but the Exchange 2007 servers with the issue, also on Win 2008 had IPv6 enabled. Disabling IPv6 on the Exchange 2007 servers running on Win 2008, and restarting the MSExchange AD Topology service did the trick.
November 6th, 2009 12:29am
if you're running windows 2008 r2, the quick fix is set your MSExchangeADTopology to delayed start.JR
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April 7th, 2010 8:27pm
I changed out my Exchange 2003 server for a single 2010 server (on server 2008 R2), and began receiving those errors once I decommissioned the Exchange 2003 server. I disabled IPv6, and set the topology to delay start, and they still keep coming every
10 minutes or so. Running nslookup from the 2010 box resolves itself nicely. I've checked my NIC binding order, and the active NIC is at the top of the lists for binding. Other than those errors, all email flow seems to be working fine.
July 22nd, 2010 3:59pm
Has anyone found out why these errors occour? Have a single 2010 SP1 box [all roles] had a clean Application log, since a reboot last night I am getting these errors. Checked DNS - all ok, no issues connectivity or mail flow wise, ExBPA reports no
show stoppers. Will try the Restart of the Microsoft Exchange Active Directory topology to correct.
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October 27th, 2010 12:12pm
We've done this here and it prevents this errors from occuring but some other strange behaviour comes up:
The Services:
Microsoft Exchange Service Host
Microsoft Exchange Protected Service Host
Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access
do not automatically start up. We can start them manually after reboot, but this is not the way it shoul work like. The system holds all the current fixes which are available and it is the same on all 4 nodes within this one HUB/CAS Unicast NLB-Array.
Any ideas welcome!
Best regards out of snowy Switzerland ...
December 14th, 2010 4:51pm
Hi all just an update restarted the Microsoft Exchange Active Directory topology to correct.
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January 4th, 2011 7:04pm
I noticed that restarting the Active Directory topology service requires a restart of the following dependent services:
Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search
Microsoft Exchange Transport Log
Microsoft Exchange Service Host
Microsoft Exchange Search Indexer
Microsoft Exchange Replication Service
Microsoft Exchange Mail Submission
Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants
Microsoft Exchange File Distribution
Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync
Microsoft Exchange Anti-spam Update
As I have a lot of users on this server: how will this impact them? I tested on a lab server & things seem OK, but I want to be 100% sure. (no users on the test server but me) Anyone tried this on a busy server, and what happened?
Regards, Paul www.servercare.nl
June 27th, 2011 12:48pm
I thought it would be driver issue for my NIC and I will try teaming to see if the problem still exist.Webmaster Forum |
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June 27th, 2011 8:52pm
It seems to work fine for me too.
Exchange 2007 sp1
September 22nd, 2011 10:24pm