I cannot test webservices or Outlook connectivity, I keep on getting the error that the credentials can not be used. I have checked if the user "extest_1eb30811639a4" exists and it is there. I have run the command "new-TestCasConnectivityUser.ps1" but still I get errors on all my 3 CAS servers. I also get the error message below on all my 3 cas servers when I run test Outlook connectivity, I don't know if they are related.
Verbose: Target User = 'extest_1eb30811639a4@company.intra'
Verbose: Resolved server. Server Name = 'CAS01', Server FQDN= 'CAS01.company.intra'
Verbose: Selected RPC Proxy authentication method = 'NTLM'
Verbose: Based on RpcTestType, the cmdlet needs to dynamically look up the endpoint that uses this server as reference point.
Verbose: Target Client Access server = 'CAS01.company.intra'
Verbose: Based on RpcProxyTestType, the cmdlet needs to dynamically look up the endpoint that uses this server as reference point.
Verbose: Target Client Access server = 'CAS01.company.intra'
Verbose: Using connection parameters : 'company.intra\extest_1eb30811639a4: RpcProxy/RPC-over-HTTP, [CAS01.company.intra/NTLM]'
Verbose: Pinging RpcProxy at the following URL:
Verbose: An unexpected exception occurred while pinging RpcProxy. The most common reason for this occurring is that the IIS DefaultAppPool isn't running. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Verbose: Mailbox = 'company.intra\extest_1eb30811639a4', Owner = '/o=company/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=extest_1eb30811639a4'
Diagnostic command: "Test-OutlookConnectivity -RpcProxyTestType:Internal -RpcTestType:Server -TrustAnySSLCert:$true -MonitoringContext:$true"
TimeWindowStart: 2015-03-18T07:10:07.0437501+02:00
TimeWindowEnd: 2015-03-18T07:23:27.0437500+02:00
TimeFirst: 2015-03-18T07:10:07.0437501+02:00
TimeLast: 2015-03-18T07:15:08.0145501+02:00
Count: 2
EventSourceName: MSExchange Monitoring OutlookConnectivity Internal