I got it finally solved:
Well there are more issues compared to simple resting services.
Here what you have to do:
1. follow exactly Microsoft setup guide ! :
2. as its recommended to chose SSL in production environment, you need to validate the discovery point incl HTTPS !! not like described by MSFT with http, if its not enabled. mostly you will see an Certificate Error, because the Cert you requested via IIS
is not a valid Cert incl a SAN Name:
Make sue you have: the hostname, hostname.domain.com in this certificate and assign it to HTTP80 and HTTP809 SSL Services.
4. you properly see issues with the Watchdog, check the log under: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Data\Logs\ULS if you see the Watchdog is accessing the WAC Server via HTTP, you need add the Port 80 under HTTP80 WebSite. I believe its a bug here.
5. IISRESET again
6. check now from OWA if it works or not, if not you need to restart Exchange 2013. It refers the Discovery Point.
Once more this environment was OS: W2k12 and Exchange 2013.
Good Luck !!
You can also read the solution in my Blog:....
- Proposed as answer by
Thomas Poett (ACP)MVP
Thursday, February 14, 2013 1:36 PM
- Edited by
Thomas Poett (ACP)MVP
Thursday, February 14, 2013 2:00 PM
Added Blog description