Weird Exchange Server Restart Problem
I need some help troubleshooting an issue.
We have an exchange 2003 server, and upon rebooting the physical box the exchange server doesn't come all the way up.
Basically, after the exchange server restarts you cannot access exchange from outlook, but can access it from web access.
My coworker determined if you restart services a few times it worked, however I recently came to the conclusion that when it happens if you stop the management service, restart the data store service and wait for it to start, the connection comes immediately up (you can then restart the management service).
There was an "info" message in the event viewer that said wmiprvse.exe (plus a flag which I don't remember) encountered and error and that it was stopping the data store service... (no further information beyond that).
Any possible suggestions would be great (we even tried calling tech support and never had much luck, however that was before I figured out the exact way to get the server back up.)
October 18th, 2007 3:42pm
That is the WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation service)
This service sometimes has problems related to printer drivers
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October 18th, 2007 10:04pm
Sometimes Exchange Services will hang if they cannont comminucate with AD. I'd run a NetDiag and see if it comes back wtih any errors. Maybe your NIC is starting to fail....
November 27th, 2007 3:05am