What is GAL hosting? How to configure it?
What is GAL hosting? How to configure it?
Can anybody explain me.Thanks Joseph Pradeep
April 5th, 2011 2:48pm
Where have you seen that reference, as it is not something I am familar with.
Simon.Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
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April 5th, 2011 3:04pm
Refer the link
http://www.msexchange.org/tutorials/Shared_Hosting_Exchange_2003_Part1.htmlThanks Joseph Pradeep
April 5th, 2011 3:35pm
He describes how to configure it in part 2
It would be to provide a seperate address book for different companies or divisions within the same Exchange 2003 organization. So that users in one company cannot see the entries for users in another.
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April 5th, 2011 3:51pm
It is also something that Microsoft no longer support and pulled all of their articles on configuring it from their archive. If you do decide to do it, test, test and test again in a lab. It is a major change to a live environment which is very easy to get
wrong, and generated a lot of support calls to Microsoft, which is why they stopped supporting it.
Simon.Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
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April 5th, 2011 5:05pm
What is GAL hosting?
Exchange use GCs to hold the global address list.
GC is a DC which also has a partial copy of every other domain partition in the forest.
A partial copy means that GC only contains s subset of the attributes for the domain objects in its database.
The list of attributes is held in the AD schema.
There is only GC in one forest, and every DC has a copy of it (GAL). A change to schema is replicated to every
How to configure it?
The schema can be managed by schema Management Snap-in. This snap in needs to be registered before it can be used
Using the following command-line:
Regsvr 32 shcmmgmt.dll
Once registered, the snap-in can be added to an MMC console.
More information about GC:
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April 6th, 2011 11:00pm