What is server components?

Hi everyone!

What is server component in get-servercomponentstate cmdlet?

I make the command on edge transport server and found component like IMAPProxy and POPProxy with active state. What are they doing on edge transport?

Where are article about state of server components but no one about server component is. How are they match exchange se

March 17th, 2015 6:02am

Hi Valery,

Exchange 2013 introduced the concept of Server Component States. It provides granular control over the state of the components that make up an Exchange Server from the point of view of the environment it is running in.

This is useful when you want to take an Exchange 2013 Server out of operation partially or completely for a limited time, but still need the Exchange services on the server to be up and running.

The State parameter specifies the state that you want for the component. The state can be one of the following:

  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Draining

Where is the data stored and how can it be retrieved?

Information about Edge Server Components, Requesters and States is stored:

In the Registry, the settings are stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\ServerComponentStates:


Server Component States in Exchange 2013

Now your question What are IMAPProxy and POPProxy doing on edge transport?

I'm still wondering as Edge Transport Server can't be used to authenticate AD users to relay SMTP for IMAP or POP3

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March 17th, 2015 7:31am

Hello, Satyajit! Thanks for replay.

Do you know about each server component and its roles? not about state exactly (Active, Incative, Draining) but what role in exchange they do.

For example, what ForwardSyncDaemon component do in Exchange? or ProvisioningRps.

Are there any matching btw server components and exchange services?

Can you execute Get-ServerComponentState on edge transport role server and see all components?

March 17th, 2015 8:02am

Hi Valery,

Thank you for your question.

We could understand those components by component name, for example popproxy means it proxy pops request.

ForwardSyncDaemon means it is a daemon which forward sync information,  ProvisioningRPS means it provision for Remote PowerShell(RPS), it is convenient for us to understand it by component name.

If there are any component you didnt understand, we suggest you post those component name to forum and we will give a better explain for you.

We could refer to the following link:


If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 

Best Regard,


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March 17th, 2015 11:26pm

Hi Jim! 

It's very funny! Look like captian Obiously! :)

"ForwardSyncDaemon means it is a daemon (service) which forward sync information..." - what type of information it sync ? Is it for EdgeSync Sychronization or it for Safety Net or may be DAG replication log files?

For services Exchange exists description in technet https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee423542%28v=exchg.141%29.aspx

for server components nothing about.

Ok. What does XropProxy component do? or SharedCache - cache shared between thereby?

Are there any match between server components and exchange services? and description like exchange services.

Or matching between exchange server roles and components?

On edge server i run Get-ServerComponentsState

Get-ServerComponentState -Identity edg1-01


ImapProxy                               Active
PopProxy                                Active


but Test-ServiceHealth

[PS] C:\Temp>Test-ServiceHealth

Role                    : Edge Transport Role
RequiredServicesRunning : True
ServicesRunning         : {ADAM_MSExchange, MSExchangeEdgeCredential, MSExchangeServiceHost, MSExchangeTransport,
ServicesNotRunning      : {}

What IMAPProxy and POPProxy do in Active State on Edge Server? :))))) Does they consumption cpu cycles?

P.S. By the way cmdlet Update-ExchangeHelp on Edge Server not work (cmdlet does not exist). Very funny. 

March 18th, 2015 2:15am


Does anyone know about server components? 

Anybody here?

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March 25th, 2015 5:19am

Hi Valery,

I guess we don't have a consolidated list, on what exactly it does.

There are only references as and when required in main articles.

Guess it would be an insider's knowledge.

March 27th, 2015 8:00am

Hi Styajit! Thank you very much!

I will pray on MS for new information about server component. Light a candle for all Exchange Team. 

They are stars, we mere mortals engineers.

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March 29th, 2015 10:24am

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