What server virsion to get for scenario
Client needs a new server with AD and remote access. Has limited budget and space for more then one server, they are a small shop of only 5 local and 2 remote access users.
Windows 2003:
By granting access with RDP on the DC, they run the risk of security issues.
Also end of life around the corner, do not want to have to revisit this for another 4 to 5 years.
SBS 2003:
Not sure on the access for remote clients, also same issue with EOL?
Windows 2008:
Could setup server as a DC and run Hyper-V to host additional server to run RDP on.
Besides the cost of an additional license for the Virtual client what else would be needed?
I know there is not nearly enough information here, but I am looking for some quick thoughts to take forward.
Thanks in advance.
May 21st, 2008 5:07pm