Where are Outlook Contacts Stored in Exchange?
A few quick questions -
I'm running Exchange 2007 SP1. Users are on cached mode.
When users create a contact in Outlook, where does that contact get stored? Is it on Exchange somewhere? AD? It's not a regular "mail contact" so it's not visible via the EMC.
If I wanted to export a user's personal contacts via powershell, is that possilbe? At first I thought the contacts were stored locally, but then that doesn't make sense because I can go to webmail and still see my personal contacts. So where
in the world are they stored, and why isn't it visible (perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place)
October 14th, 2011 2:12pm
In their mailbox. Its a folder with contents
How to Export Mailbox Data
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October 14th, 2011 2:14pm
well, don't i feel dumb. I was thinking too hard. thanks a million!
October 14th, 2011 2:31pm