Where did the emails go?
I have an exchange server set up (SBS 2003) and I wanted to set up a pop3 connector to download mail from another domain, and route it to an exchange users mailbox. I also wanted that user to be able to send mail using that external domain as the visible and return mail address.
I set up the pop3 connector and everything seemed to be working great - the event logs confirm that the connection to the outside email server works, the mail downloads, and it's routing to the users mailbox. Unfortunately, no mail shows up in outlook!
What I had also done was to change the users email from user@mydomainname.com to usersfirstname.userslastname@theoutsidedomainmane.com
When I changed this back to the original setting (user@mydomainname.com) it seemed to work and the emails showed up in the users outlook inbox.
My question is: Can anybody tellme where to find those emails that got downloaded but never showed up in the inbox??They've got to be here somewhere . .
September 22nd, 2006 12:43am