Why do I need ActiveSync External URL?

Hello, All!

We are starting migration from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013.

We've already installed 3 Exchange 2013 Servers and configured them also.

The External IP for ActiveSync is bounded to F5 that moves user's request towards ISA that is located in our DMZ and ISA moves the request to Exchange Servers.

One problem that I'm facing now and it's: Do I need to configure External URL for ActiveSync on Exchange 2013?

As far as I know, that External URL of ActiveSync is being used for Autodiscover process only.

And after that the only URL that is used it's Internal one.

Am I right? Where I can find accurate information about External and Internal URL's usage?



February 21st, 2015 7:32pm

First of all thanks to all!

But I still have doubts.

Today I left as "Blank" External URL of ActiveSync and all worked as usually without any interruption.

From some reason I'm convinced, that in company like mine, where Exchange Servers have not direct connection to the Internet I simply don't need to configure External URL for ActiveSync.

Whether someone could give the link there this is described?


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February 22nd, 2015 7:30am

As long as autodiscover is in Place active sync wont be needed in many cases.

Some issue could occure if its not configured: http://www.expta.com/2013/12/exchange-2013-cu3-upgrade-removes.html

February 22nd, 2015 7:39am

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