Windows Deployment Services - Copying Files
Hello All.
I am currently working to setup a Windows Deployment solution in our department. My requirements for the functionality are below.
-One image for each OS version
-Windows 7 x64
-Windows 7 x86
-Windows XP x86 SP3
-Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
-Injected boot critical drivers and an up to date driver store for all computer models
-Self-updating images using DISM to add the packages to each image
I am using a WDS Server to hold the images in conjunction with a WSUS server to maintain the updates. All of the objectives have been completed, but I am unhappy with the way I am maintaining the updates that I apply to each image. Currently, I am
using a (self-made.. probaly not using the best methods) batch file to copy the updates from the WSUS server to the WDS server. The folder structure that copies over from the WSUS server has many subfolders with all of the updates inside of them. The
/Add-Package command included in DISM would not let me add packages that were in different subfolders and I did not see a way around this. I wrote additional commands to take all of the updates out of the subfolders and then delete the empty subfolders. This
solution is working, but each time I hit the WSUS server to copy over new updates it copies over the entire folder structure and all of the updates again.
TL;DR: My batch file to copy updates from one server to another is listed below; I am looking for a way to copy the contents of many subfolders into one parent folder.
net use r: /delete
net use r: \\server\mywsus
robocopy "R:\wsuscontent" "D:\WDS_SERVICING\UPDATES" /E
for /f "usebackq" %%d in (`"dir /ad/b/s | sort /R"`) do rd "%%d"
Thanks for any help.
Chris Reynolds
May 16th, 2012 9:54am