Winmail.dat problem
Whenever I send e-mail to my friend (external company) he gets winmail.dat attachment. My mail server is Exchange 2003 and 2007, and his mailbox is on Lotus server.
Where is the problem - on my or his site?
June 26th, 2008 11:51am
Hello Jack,
This issue is caused by the problematic mails format: Rich Text Formatting (RTF). You can use HTML or Plain text to compose emails. The issue will not happened. For more information:
Winmail.dat attachments are included in received e-mail messages in Outlook
XADM: Winmail.dat Attached to All Internet Messages Regardless of Setting on Client
Please note the articles are also fit for your situation. Thank you,
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June 30th, 2008 8:52am
Thnx for your answer but problem is only with Lotus user. When I send him mail with attachment (plain text, HTM, rich text) he always gets winmail.dat attachment.
What could be a problem? My Exchange server (or Outlook) or his Lotus Domino/Notes?
When checked, Ive specified Determine by individual user settings.
Thnx for your help.
June 30th, 2008 9:55am