Winword 2013 Configuration Progress


Winword 2007 were installed on operating system Win7 64bit, i uninstall it and then installing

winword 2013, when im trying to open the winword application programmatically i accept the configuration progress window

it starts the configuration and then asked me to close the winword and it occurrs every time i try to open the winword

programmatically, when i click on winword.exe it opened without displaying the configuration window.

on other machines it works perfect.

What may be caused this issue on this machine ?


  • Moved by George Hua Wednesday, August 27, 2014 6:16 AM Word related
  • Moved by Cindy Meister MVPMVP Wednesday, August 27, 2014 2:33 PM not developer-related
August 26th, 2014 2:08pm

Hi Khalil,

According to your description, you want to know why configuration progress window displayed while opening Word application programmatically.

I have not seen this window before, would you mind providing a figure here?

If you open an existing document, is this document opened with displaying the configuration window?

How do you open the winword application programmatically? Would you mind sharing code here?

Is there any other version of Office on this machine?

From my understanding, most probably Word 2007 was not clean uninstalled. Please refer How to uninstall or remove Microsoft Office 2007 suites.



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August 27th, 2014 6:26am

There is no other versions of office.

Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID(("Word.Application"))) as _Application;

The image :

August 27th, 2014 3:17pm

winword 2013, when im trying to open the winword application programmatically i accept the configuration progress window

... ...

programmatically, when i click on winword.exe it opened without displaying the configuration window.

What if you manually start Word? Will you see the configuration window?

Have you tried to repair your Office installation from Contrl Panel? If not yet, please do so and verify result.

Another consideration is that you might have some uninstall residues from your previous Office 2007 installation.

Please try to run Microsoft Fix It tool to remove any traces and then try again. (Note, better to remove all Office installations from your computer, then start from scratch.)


Ethan Hua
TechNet Community Support

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 29th, 2014 8:48am


When i opened winword by clicking on winword.exe there is no configuration window appears, it's ok.

It just occurred when opening it programmatically, I already entered the licensed key for office2013,

but when i used the "cscript ospp.vbs /dstatusall"

I accepted two entries :


ERROR CODE: 0xc004f014
ERROR DESCRIPTION: The software licensing service reported that the product key is not available.

I check the winword but i see that it is already licensed.

  • Marked as answer by khalil salhi Wednesday, December 03, 2014 8:43 AM
August 31st, 2014 12:25pm


As per the description, I'm thinking the problem is kind of related to Word 2007 installed on the machine before. You might have some uninstall residues from Office 2007.

Could you please try to run Microsoft Fix It tool to remove any traces and then repair Office 2013 from Control Panel and try again.

I actually recommend you to use the Microsoft Fix It tool to remove all Office instances from your computer, do a restart and then start from scratch.


Ethan Hua
TechNet Community Support

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 2nd, 2014 9:38am

I did do as you described but still facing the same problem, im thinking the same as you think something with office2007 is not removed correctlly with the license,

but what i didn't know.

September 7th, 2014 7:43am

It is resolved
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September 2nd, 2015 7:33am

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