When saving my Word 2013 doc as a PDF, text characters with descenders are clipped. I have the readily-available font Geneva on my pc. I create a two-line doc with the word "bringing" on both lines, both lines in Geneva font, first line font size 11, second line font size 80. Zooming in, I see that the g's all look good. I save the doc as type PDF. In the PDF I look at File/Properties/Fonts and see that (surprisingly) no fonts are listed. Zooming in, I see that the size 11 Geneva font has lost the bottom of the "g" descenders. Size 80 looks good. Any clues why size 11 shows up bad in the PDF? Any suggestions on how to make it come out right? (I have tested using print-to-PDF software, and the Geneva font is listed in that PDF, and the size 11 text looks g
Hi Rich:
I tested from my side and couldnt reproduce the issue. Do you mind share me a screen grab with the symptoms? Also could you please share me your word document and .pdf file though mail to : ibsofc@microsoft.com, so I can check further.
Meanwhile could you please check the line space setting and let me know how it was set, thank you.
I thank both Chloe and Doug for your responses. Line spacing was the first thing I checked when I saw the problem, and it was correctly set to Single. But once I knew that others couldn't reproduce my problem, I became suspicious of my font. I compared the binary of my font (dated 2002) with one newly downloaded, and there were differences. I installed the new version over the old version, tried my test again, and now, not only does the PDF look correct, but the Geneva font shows up in the PDF as an embedded subset.
I saved the original font in case anyone is curious enough to want to examine it. Otherwise I'll close out this post shortly. Thanks again for your help.